This is the first year that we are all getting up very early for school. Last year we had late start kinder and could take our sweet time. So we have set some things in motion to make our mornings run as smoothly as possible. Sort of laughable as “smooth morning” rarely exists. There are still the late sleepers, cereal being spilled, siblings arguing over the toothpaste, and accidently walking out the door without the backpack. Hmmm. Tell me I am not alone. But the clothes . . . we got this down! Nothing too elaborate, but boy has it helped with our budding fashionista. After her clothes are washed they get hung on the top row and put away in her drawers. That leaves us the bottom rack to hang five outfits. I printed out the days of the week on cardstock, punched a hole in them, and slipped them over the hangers. Riley and I take five minutes on Sunday night to pick out five outfits for the week. I make sure there is a sweater or jacket she can grab as well. This really has made life so much easier in the mornings and we don’t have to worry about it the night before when we are all tired.
Sweet thing is dying for her feet to grow into these. She has suddenly fallen deeply in love with animal prints and “flats!”
My girl, Carmel, has great tips for a stress free morning. And her daughter’s closet is amazing. Go check it out. For other tips on organization you can click here!
And her clothes are adorable! Wells has that same little striped dress from H&M. And such a simple but oh so helpful idea. It works so well to do this. Mine aren't in school yet and I've already started trying to do this to help myself get two out the door faster before someone needs a diaper change or to eat or nap again!
You are one smart mom. Love this idea.
Hmmm a stress free morning with kids…I don't think it will ever be stress free but your outfit organization looks like it makes it a little easier! Love the idea!
That's a great idea! We agree on her outfit the night before so there's no struggle in the morning. this year is harder bc S starts at 7:45 and J at 8:30, so it's a weird stagger. the latest change that's been super helpful, is giving S a small alarm clock. She loves being 'big' and getting up on her own. So far, it's eliminated the 10 minute "get up honey" routine by me. Which isn't usually too pleasant since I'm screaming it from the other side of the house, bc I'm late for not laying out my outfit the night before! 😉
I also pick out James' outfits for the week too and set them on this dresser. These little things do make the morning run smoother. I bet Riley likes getting to choose her own now. Her flats are adorable.
Never had that problem as the boys wore uniforms! They can be a blessing!
That is such a great idea! Riley has adorable clothes and love her little leopard flats! Maybe I could shrink quite a bit and borrow her fun little pink ruffled dress!
What a great idea, I can't wait until my baby girl develops her little sense of style. Those leopard flats are too cute, and that navy and white stripe dress!
Good thinking! I want to do this for me so I don't have to think about anything the morning of school! 🙂
Awesome system!! I could definitely use a set-up like this for my little sassy girl!!
What a great idea! I think I should use it for myself because I find time is too short in the morning to think straight about what I am going to wear… I usually just grab and go.
Oh my gosh!! I need that for my closet!!
It's amazing how this one simple thing can help make the morning go a little smoother! Love the hanger tags! And I want to fit into those shoes too! 😉
I think I need to start doing this for *ME*!!! I swear, they just throw on whatev (which in general, I'm fine with…they're still little, right?), but it takes me at least 10 minutes of hmmm-ing and haw-ing before I decide what to wear! Ridiculous…and now, problem solved! (c;
Pitter Patter goes my heart! Love your solution {of course!} and all of those adorable pink clothes…. can I borrow her for just one day? lol.