Today our son turns five. How is that even possible? He is our baby. Eeek. I know time flies. That certainly isn’t a new concept. But it seems to sting a bit more as time goes on. I want to freeze time and take it all in. I want to bottle up the joy and innocence. I am so very proud and lucky to be Grady’s mommy. He boasts an inner joy and light that touches my heart every day. While he is not reading yet and is still quite young for most of this, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to write down ten things I really want my son to know. While the words may be beyond his years, the sentiments and lessons are things we have been trying to teach him since day one.
1. I am proud of you. I am proud of the person you are and thank God for you each and every second of every day.
2. Be nice to girls. All girls, young and old. They are to be respected and treated with kindness. Open doors, pull out chairs, send flowers, and give compliments. It is never cool to be anything other than respectful and kind.
3. Call home. Home is where mommy and daddy are and it will always be home. Call us when you are fearful or in doubt. We may not always tell you what to do, but we will guide you with loving hearts and minds.
4. Stay close to your sister. She is a force to be reckoned with and the two of you make an amazing team. Cherish the friendship you have created and always give it the love and attention it deserves. And when it comes to choosing between friends and your sister, always choose your sister.
5. Save your pennies. It is always wise to be smart with your money. Save for a rainy day and for giving to others. There will always be something that needs fixing. There will always be a bill that you need to pay or one that you wish to pay for someone else.
6. Experience life. Jump in and don’t look back. You are smart and sensible and have good instincts. Cling to that while you take chances and savor the silly, the exciting, and the adventurous. Life is undoubtedly what you make of it. Make if grand. Make it your own.
7. Fall in love and get your heart broken. While it will pain me to see you experience any heartbreak, it will make you more understanding of the power of love and the safety of unconditional love. One day you will choose a woman who is your best friend. Love her, honor her, make her laugh and tell her what she means to you everyday. Oh, and don’t forget to tell your mom, too!
8. Observe your father. He is a wonderful man. He is intelligent, witty, caring, compassionate and wise. Allow him to guide you and share all that he has learned. While you will always be your own person, your dad is a role model that comes along once in a lifetime. Be thankful for him.
9. There is more to life than carbohydrates. Eat your vegetables. Please. 10. Above all else remember you are a child of God. In you, he created a unique being blessed with an able body and mind. Do him proud. Search within to use your talents and intelligence for good. Blessings lie within you so that you might pave a more joyful journey for all you meet.
Mommy and Daddy love you. Happy Birthday, sweet boy.
What a beautiful post! My son is only 6 months old and I wish for all these things too some day very far from now (I want to freeze time too!). Happy Birthday Grady!
Isn't it crazy how your heart can feel so full. Savor it all. What I wouldn't give for a 6 month old cuddle with my baby!!
Dearest Grady – Grandma Sue wishes you the happiest birthday ever – I love YOU more than macaroni & cheese, too! 🙂
PS – Courtney, I loved all 10 of your wishes for G, but #9 had me laughing as I sit here enjoying my morning coffee.
So cute!!! He loves his Grandma so so much!
Good gracious alive!! Are you trying to make me cry this early in the morning?? BEAUTIFUL!! What a wonderful mother you are – and he sounds like a very special son. Happy birthday, Grady!!
Ah, thank you Jules. Enjoy your day!
Awe that is so sweet! You should definitely save a hard copy of it!
Thank you! You've reminded me I should print it out.
I have been following your blog for months, and this has been my favorite post! I love to reflect and teach on our children's birthdays. I love all of your beautiful advice! You have a beautiful family! Your home is gorgeous, but I see that your kind husband, and loving children are your greatest asset! Have an amazing week! ~Laura
SO sweet. Thank you very much Laura. I cherish them and they make life wonderful. Wishing you a great week as well!!
So sweet, Courtney ~ wishing you a wonderful birthday celebration with Grady!
Love this letter to your son. I hope your son's fifth birthday celebration is beautiful. Happy Birthday to your son!
You got me all teary – happy birthday to your sweet boy!
welling!!!!! beautiful letter that i know G-man will cherish forever. Big squeezes to all of you!
I love it! I have two boys, 4 and 9. I wish all these for them too! Happy birthday to your son.
These are all great things – couldn't have said it better. Happy Birthday to your little boy!
Oh I love this! Need to save this for Ethan to read one day. So well written and I agree with all of it. Happy Happy 5th Birthday to Grady!! xo
Your kids are just about the same ages as mine are (except my son is the oldest and turns 7 soon, daughter turns 5 in Aug). I adore what you wrote.
Happy big 5 Grady from Great Aunt Mary. I love you so much! Courtney, what a heart you have and a gift for expressing it. Love to you all on this special day……p.s. I love carbs too!
LOVE! So so true for all boys! Happy Birthday little man 🙂
Any typos are due to the tears streaming down my face. What a beautiful gift to your baby boy. And what a beautiful gift he and your daughter are to you and your husband. I know you treasure every moment and I have so much respect for that–showers of birthday blessings on that handsome boy with the beautiful blue eyes!! xo
p.s. it's my baby boy's birthday today, too and he is 31 🙂
This is so sweet! I have a 6 month old son and I am going to save these so I can share them with him some day! Thank you for sharing!
Oh I love this so much! Your words are perfect Courtney and you are a great Mom! Happy birthday to your Grady!
Ah! Happy birthday, G! I love these things you want him to know. So, so important!! Such a sweet mom!
Oh Courtney….this is so special. I love it. It's beautifully written. I love #2. You are a wonderful Mom! Happy Birthday to Grady!
Loved this 🙂
Beautiful post!
Aw mama, now you've done it….I'm doing the ugly-cry as I type this 😉 You're raising an amazing little gentleman, through & through. Clear eyes, pure heart. Love this!
Your little guy will treasure this one day. Beautifully written!
I'd love to include a link to this in my post this Friday, if you don't mind. It's such a great message.
so so sweet!!!! im bawling reading this……………
Oh my gosh- 5!!!! What a wonderful age- he'll always be your little boy.
Hi Courtney,
I know I'm little late to say happy birtday to your son but, I would like to wish very happy birthday to him 🙂 I really like the way you expressed your thoughts here especially, I liked the 2nd and 7th wish.
The whole post is really very touchy. All parents should read this.