We are busy working on G’s big boy room. We took down the crib and began building his bed here. I am now working on some special artwork to hang on his walls. I have always been a believer in meaningful artwork. Whether it’s a special photo or a child’s drawing, artwork appeals to me when it evokes a memory or special emotion. So our little G graduated from his Mommy and Me class! On the day of his last class, his AMAZING teachers put a special sticker on him. It read, “I did my best!” It was the cutest thing to listen to him tell his daddy that night that he had done his best and his teachers were proud of him. Ahhhh! Isn’t that what we strive for. It has quickly become a family mantra. Thank you Miss Wendy and Miss Carol. Here is our son on the last day wearing his special sticker! So I decided to recreate the sentiment for one of the frames in his new big boy room. Here is what we can up with:
I will choose which one to use once we decide if we are going navy or royal blue! My son came into the room when I was making this and said, “What are you working on?” When I showed him and read it he said, “Because Grady did his best.” I love when he refers to himself in the third person! Where do they come up with this stuff.
Oh that is so cool and cute…
and a lovely story behind it ♥
I love the fact that you have taken something so special to Grady to make the art with..just sensational and thoughtful.
Great idea. I love it!
I totally agree with the idea of meaningful art – especially in a kid's room. Your creation is perfect.
Adorable and so meaningful!
Ohhh!! So sweet. I love that you are going to hang that in his room!
That is adorable!! Kids are the best.
So cute…I'm really drawn to the second one for some reason. He is just so adorable Courtney! 🙂
That is just about the cutest thing ever…I love that age! They are so sweet and eager to please! And I just love the sentiment behind the saying, so perfect! Can't wait to see the navy/green scheme in action!
Love the color scheme. Great picture of your swqeet baby boy!
Grady is adorable. What a cute age! That is perfect artwork…very fun and special. I bet Grady will be proud to have that hanging in his room!
Tear. So sweet. Congrats Grady (and Momma).
What a pretty color story. Two of my favorite shades!
Oh, this just just adorable!
This is just toooooo cute for words!
This melts my heart. I loveee the artwork!! Totally a believer in special art for kids…when they see themselves, something they love or something they created it's so special for them!
Oh I just love that pic of G! So cute! He's completely smushable!!! I like that you are creating the artwork yourself from something meaningful! So bummed I didn't get to chat with you today- soon for sure!
Oh that's precious! Love the sentiment!
I know that I'm probably the only one that doesn't know this, but I was wondering how you made this? I am getting ready to redo my boys room and I would love to make them each something like this to go above their beds. Thank you. :o)
I love this! I would also know where you got the background design from in the second photo? Thanks