We interrupt the regularly scheduled Take 5 Tuesday to talk paint! Does anyone else LOVE to paint? My husband can’t stand it and I become giddy just thinking about it. I really do. So on Saturday, we cleared out Grady’s room and I set up my paint camp. With the windows wide open, Pandora playing in the background, and a paintbrush in hand I am one happy camper. In fact, I think painting might just be the closet thing I have to therapy. It is so relaxing and I am always amazed at the transformation. Of course, it always looks worse before it looks better. Here is what we started with. The room has great millwork and crown, but the tan needed to go for the new room design. I realized how much easier it is to paint a room when you don’t need to touch the bottom half! Having the supplies at waist level was fantastic. So what color did we go with?
That’s not primer, my friends! That is white! Well actually it is white with primer mixed in. Thanks to Erica from Moth Design I stumbled upon the perfect white. It’s called Clear Moon by Behr. Does anyone else always get scared after the first coat? Paint always seems to look horrible until the last coast dries. And then it’s yummy!
The white reminds us so much of Grady’s personality. Does that seem odd? He is just such a breath of fresh air and lights up any room. I wanted to the room to be washed with white so that the navy and lime color scheme would really have an impact.
And I am all about keeping it real. While his room is cleared out and a perfect blank canvas, the rest of the house looks something like this! Wow. I need to find a family in need of a nursery. I feel like I could literally take all that I have and create a room for someone. If you happen it be in the local Orange County area and know of a family or single mom who could benefit from a little nursery love, please contact me. Happy to help by donating what I have.
And here is a tiny sneak peek of what is to come. I have a zillion projects that are in the works, but I am thrilled to have the walls painted a fresh white and the lime and navy are starting to make their way into the room. The white Ikea Expedit works great to give vertical storage for books and toys {bins are Martha Stewart from Home Depot}.
Currently working on chalkboard labels for these guys. Grady is already enjoying storing his “stuff” in them. What about you? Do you have a white room in your house?
This is going to be such a fun room! The white is going to be perfect – must remember to grab that paint ship next time I'm at HD. Can't wait to see it all come together.
Like Ryan, I hate to paint, so if you are ever in need of MAJOR closet therapy, I have an entire house that could use your loving touch – I'll keep the kiddos out of your hair! 🙂
Grandma Sue
PS – Love the color you've chosen for G's room.
Can't wait to see what yo have in the works. The white is going to be great!
Can't wait to see the finished product! I am looking for inspiration, as we are currently gathering ideas/items for my little guys 'big boy room' 🙂
White! Everything will pop! I would be hesitant with a little boy, but with all the millwork/moulding the bottom half is an easy wipedown! It's going to look so fresh & bright!!!
We are working on a big boy room now too. Can't wait to see how yours comes out. I am stealing your idea with putting the ribbon around the name letters. Did you use your glue gun to do that?
Can't wait to see what you do. I LOVED the old room as well!
Ooooh I am so excited to see it all! It looks like it will be incredible! And I'm with you on the paint therapy- can you imagine what would happen with us + paint brush + glass of red? Wow, best day ever! ; )
Yes, I LOVE to paint! and my husband feels the same way your does. My sister-in-law and I have definitely had paint parties with music and wine as we tackled rooms in her house! Great fun! I think that navy and lime green is one of my absolute fav color combos for a child's room! Can't wait to see the rest.
Nothing like a nice clean, white palette to make the colors really *pop*! All my rooms are white (rental, 'nuff said)…but I do kinda like the blank slate it gives me for whatever color scheme my crazy brain comes up with! (c: I can't wait to see the whole room!
As I type this my husband is in the garage painting…we are making it a game room. Painting is so gratifying. I can't wait to your sons room.
Oh my gosh I swear we are so alike it's scary! I'm planning to paint both of my kids room white- it's actually a very light grey. I just painted the test swatched in both rooms this morning and I'm in love! f we lived close to each other we'd be dangerous 😉
Uh – I was typing too fast – sorry for the weird grammar 😉
It's going to be great! I'm craving white too!
and yay for your HOF article!!!
I don't necessarily like painting, but I do appreciate a freshly painted room! I can't wait to see it all come together.
And I didn't realize till this post that you lived in Orange County, CA as well!
Looks great. Love the part about it reminding you of Grady's personality.
Allll of our rooms are white right now…I need to tap into your creativity and get to painting! I love the navy and lime accents…it's gonna look awesome for Grady! And I'll let you know if I can think of anyone in OC for the nursery stuff…if only I still lived there…sigh!
Looking Good!
Is that funny that when you/we rent all you/us want to do is paint, when you buy your home you/we want to paint yet white can be such a refreshing color. I can't wait to see how Grady's room turns out.
I can't wait to see how it turns out! I'll try to think of people to donate to in the OC.
It is looking great! I'm loving the blue and lime accents and such fun bins for Grady. Oh, I'm with you on painting! It is wonderful therapy and so rewarding to see the results. I find it a lot of fun! Many a Saturday evening you will find me painting! Can't wait to see Grady's room all finished.
I adore your blog! Very lovely!
Oh, can't wait to see what's next. I love the simplicity of the white!
Oh, for some reason I thought you were going to paint it navy! The white will definitely make the colors you chose pop and so sweet about his personality fitting white! I'm with your hubby though- I hate painting! I'd rather hire someone to do it for me!
Oh my gosh, please come over and have your therapy at my house! I'm not a fan of painting at all!
I love the white. Can't wait tosee the final space!
Take care and thank you for your sweet comment on my blog,
I ADORE the pillow(s) with the polka dots from the old bedding. Do you mind sharing where you bought them? I would love to have them in my preschool classroom.
Clear Moon is my fave