Thank you to so so many of you who reached out yesterday with a kind word or in sharing your story of loss. I can’t tell you how much it meant to me and my family. ………….. Today I am back at it with talk of the big girl room! While we have come a long way, you may notice something is missing. Yep. Sister doesn’t have a headboard. I have gone round and round with this and what is best. Part of my trepidation is that we have wedged the bed in the corner of the room. Previously, her bed sat in the middle of the wall and the headboard just looked good that way. Now that we have put it against the wall {so she is able to have more play space} it poses a different challenge. I have decided that using only a headboard is the way to go. I also know that I want it to be upholstered in some way. Here is a reminder of what we are dealing with: The room is not lacking in pattern or color. With a painted ceiling, bold duvet and a very spunky closet, there is a lot going on.
gold dot decals
The other side of the room boasts a glossy expedit which holds her toys and books. The Minted print {which I adore and was the inspiration for this room} is now hanging above the white shelving unit.
I considered this beauty. You can not beat the price {$150 . . what what?} and I love me some nail head trim. If you are in need of a full/queen headboard you should scoop this up! But for Riley’s space I think it’s a bit too masculine looking.
headboard with nailhead trim $150 I created this paneled headboard for a client. This teen room was a blast to design and each panel hangs on the wall with Velcro strips. Great for renters, too! While I love this, Riley has wainscoting half way up her walls, and this just wouldn’t lay correctly. Another swing and a miss.
DIY Padded Headboard Then I remembered my dear friend Emily and her daughters’ room. I love that she too has the color on the ceiling and the light walls. I think we are onto something here.
fabric covered headboard While a bold print would compete with Riley’s duvet, a bold color will look great against the white walls. So my plan is to create a fabric covered panel {much like Emily did} in the bright raspberry color that is in her duvet. Here is a look at what I am thinking of using. It is a pretty linen fabric with plenty of texture. I plan to use some white grosgrain ribbon as trim.
So wish me luck. We are moving VERY slowly with finishing up this room. I honestly think it’s because I really don’t ever want to be done with her big girl room! But I will keep you posted on the progress. enjoy your day and be sure to pop in tomorrow as I will be announcing the winner of the gold dot decals!!!
I love your daughter's room! I think a fabric covered headboard will look beautiful against the light walls. I can't wait to see the finished product!
I absolutely love her room. I'm curious… When you decorate rooms in your house do you do it slowly and decide each element as you go along or do you have a master plan about all the pieces when you start out? Sometimes I feel like I rush the process and end up not as happy with the decision, but I have a problem living in half decorated spaces for too long.
This is the sweetest room. I am desperately looking for somewhere to use those decals! Love them! I think the textured pink will be perfect. On another note.. such a heartfelt post yesterday. You right so honestly. Thought of you for a long time after reading it:)
This is so exciting – you know I am all on board for a great upholstery project. The good news? – when I made a pair of them for my friend's sons, it was super, super easy. Maybe the easiest upholstery project I've ever done. Can't wait to see it, and good luck!! I shared the details on my blog awhile back – if you run into any glitches, let me know and I'll shoot you the link. Or, of course, feel free to hit me up with any questions. Not that I'm a professional or anything…but I have a lot of upholstery projects under my belt and am always happy to share what I've learned 🙂
It will look amazing. One of Katie's friends had a solid headboard made with her monogram to add a contrasting color…for her DORM room!! It looks amazing. Good luck!
Her room is adorable! I like the last option best.
Can't wait to see the result!
Love the gray upholstered headboard for $150!!! Whoot! Think I may have to make a purchase at WalMart! Thanks for the link.
Can't wait to see it, love all the bright fun colors in there!
I love Riley's room…so cheerful and colorful. A fabric covered panel will be wonderful in that raspberry linen. Good luck with your project and have fun with it!!
Absolutely LOVE the colors you've chosen for this room. And the painted ceiling is brilliant. The fuchsia headboard will really finish off the room nicely!
Her room looks so great I can't wait to see what you do with the headboad! Good Luck
Tammy @ thecoloreddoor.blogspot,com
Oh how fun! I'm dreaming up my daughters "big girl" room right now and have been wanting to do an upholstered headboard as well. The hardest part for me is choosing the fabric! I think it's great you are working slowly! Not all rooms need to be completed. Every room in my home is a work in profess but that's ok!
K.R Dixon Designs
Good luck! I absolutely love how it's all coming along. Adore the colors!
Ooh what a beautiful plan! Can't wait to see how it turns out!
~Abby =)