We had beautiful temps of about 78 degrees this weekend so the kids enjoyed playing outside. Did any of you have a “Fun Fountain” growing up? I am sure I am dating myself, but my parents held onto this toy and it has brought back a flood of memories. For those of you who are not familiar, when hooked up to the hose, the clown hat flies up in the air and balances on a stream of water. When you run through it, you try not to knock the hat off. My sister, brother and I played for hours when we were young. Grammy and Papa have just recently passed it along to my two children and the world is a happy place! There is something so very special about watching my children laugh hysterically as they enjoy this fountain. I remember giggling the same exact way with my brother and sister. Fond and special memories for sure. If you are relatively new to my blog, you may or may not know that I lost my brother last summer. I soak up memories in an effort to make sense of my new world. I think anyone who has dealt with a substantial loss knows the feeling I am talking about. I can well up with tears in an instant watching my brother’s Godson run through the same fountain he did. Happy memories. Necessary memories. There is a profound feeling of warmth and fullness when moments like that allow you to remember someone you loved. It also makes me slow down to savor and soak in the sweet snapshots of life that happen each and every day. Thanks for letting me share. ………………..joss & main sale Switching gears to shopping {retail therapy is quite powerful, you know!} my curator’s sale goes live this Thursday. Thursday also happens to be my wedding anniversary. Hmm. Perhaps I will need to shop my own sale! In case you are unfamiliar with Joss & Main, it is a member’s only website that offers fantastic items for the home at up to 70% off retail. They offer new curated sales each day so there is always something new!
The fun thing is that you can sign up for FREE and bypass any wait time by using my invite. sign up right here …. By signing up now you will be ready when my sale goes live this Thursday July 19th! I have been working on the finishing touches this past week. Many of the pieces will reflect spaces in my home and portfolio. I will be anxious to share the collection with you in just a couple of days I hope you will check it out and help me spread the word!
So looking forward to seeing your sale!!!
Cherish the moments, for they too become memories….
Hi Courtney! I love your blog and wanted to tell you that I used your banner idea (from your cookie baby shower) on my latest post to make a birthday banner for my daughter. We also had the exact same poufs hanging, which I didn't realize until I went back to link your post in my post! I hope you can check out my latest post and see your idea I used for my banner! I am in love with it! So easy to make and pretty! Thanks for the great idea!
Oh my goodness…yes, we had a fun fountain, but I totally forgot about it. Thanks for bringing back some good childhood memories 🙂 So fun!
Courtney, what special memories your kids are making on these sweet summer days, the kind of memories that will get them through the hard times when they grow up. Isn't it a beautiful thing that you brother is with you in all these happy moments? I'm sure it gives you a deeper appreciation for the simple happy times around your own home. My father died very young and that loss has shaped my perspective on life. Even when my house is in total chaos, my kids are challenging, and the day is long, I know how blessed and lucky I am to have it all – the happy and the messy parts of it!
Hope you are enjoying the summer with your munchkins 🙂
I treasure my memories of my godson, Ryan every time I wrap xmas presents since we loved doing it together for so many years. He was my extra hand when making bows.
What fun getting to watch them run through the same sprinkler. It is nice to have things that tie generations together.
Courtney- we had the same fountain! It has been passed around to all my younger cousins. I was just looking to see if I could find a new one or beg aunts and uncles to try to unearth it from a garage so S can play with it:) Such good times. Joy+Peace to you my friend.
Such sweet pictures and words!! Can't wait for you sale!!!
Awwww I love when sentimental things can be used over and over again! So glad that the fun fountain brought back such special and now cherished memories for you. It looks like a blast. As a kid I had to settle with just running through the sprinklers, apparently I was missing out on the fun fountain!!! 🙂
What a beautiful memory for you! And how great that you can enjoy watching your kids play with the same toy 🙂
And thanks for the Joss & Main invite! 🙂
Sound like a great weekend! Such special memories for sure! I LOVE Joss & Main – can't wait to shop your collection!
Oh, I can't wait! I hope you included mirrors or mirrored boxes- 2 of the items I need for our bedroom design!
That is absolutely adorable, and what a great thing to have saved! I haven't seen anything like that in the water toys, so that makes it *EXTRA* fun that no one else has one! (c; And I am totally marking the calendar for Thursday! So exciting!!!
1. Our central air went out yesterday morning, and I would pay $100 to run in that sprinkler right now! How. fun.
2. I have some Joss and Main credit that is just WAITING for your sale!! I'm so happy to see you're curating an event. I know it'll be fantabulous!! Proud of you, Missy!
awwww…..what happy memories for you and your kids!!! i know that tim was there, laughing right along side you. sending long distance hugs and smoochies! xoxo
So sweet– it's so fun to see kiddos playing like that. I love watching the kids I babysit for in their baby pool. Glad you had a good weekend! We were loving the weather up here, too!
My boy would LOVE that toy, how fun and love that it was kept! Happy Anniversary and I'll make sure to check out your sale at Joss & Main! Janell
How fun for your kids and I'm so glad you are able to slow down and reminisce – bitter sweet I'm sure. Looking forward to your sale & love J&M!