We recently took a tour of some beautiful new homes going up in Southern California. I have vivid memories of hitting up model homes with my parents when I was little. I loved every second of it and would look at how they were decorated and pick out what would be my room if we were to buy the home. So the tradition continues as I drag my kiddos around these pretty homes. Lucky for me, they are all in and wanted to see more when we were finished. The home I am showing you today spoke to me! Let’s just say I was head over heels for how it was decorated. The open concept and light and bright feeling is beautiful. And the blue/green color scheme that I love so much played center stage. The lighting, the millwork, and the gorgeous kitchen all drew me in. Oh, and then there was the craft room through the white barn door. Need I say more. Hope you enjoy! …
Such a pretty home. I have even more photos but didn’t want to overwhelm the post! For sources you will need to contact the builder directly. {Ryland Homes} ………….. We are planning to spend the weekend with some of our closest friends playing and enjoying. I hope whatever you choose to do, it’s a great weekend. See you back here on Monday.
What a gorgeous house! I'm in love with every room!
That kitchen is to die for!
What a perfect home!!!
Wow! What a beautiful home, I love how bright and airy it is. Amazing!! I too love going into model homes and seeing how everything is decorated.
Thanks for sharing!
Those lanterns over the kitchen island – lo-o-o-o-ve!
can you be in love with a house? I love the colors and the way one room flows seamlessly to the next.
Gorgeous – every room – wow!!
Beautiful!! Please post more pictures! 🙂
So pretty. I told my husband that I saw a 'craft room' on a house plan I recently looked at and he thought I made it up. I'll just point him to this post…craft rooms really DO exist!
What a beautiful coffee table. I’m looking for one just like that. I would love to know where I can buy it.
I would have been giddily squealing throughout the entire walk-through. So much eye candy and inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing, love it all! And that craft room…. sigh…
Such a beautiful home! Those lanterns and that kitchen are perfect!
I'm seriously freaking out over this house. They would have had to remove me, kicking and screaming, at the end of the day. And now I want to paint my entire house white. Oy, vey.
Gorgeous home. The colors are so soothing.
So completely gorgeous! Those kitchen pendants??? BOMB. I think that I would be afraid to touch anything in there, though, and my kids would *definitely* not be allowed anywhere near this house! (c;
Model homes are THEEEE best!! Love all of the inspiration and that barn door is awesome. Can I please move in?!
I live in SoCal. Where is this house? I LOVE it and want to see it in person!
Thanks for any info!
I want every single room! What a gorgeous home.
What a gorgeous house! I love how bright it is! That's amazing!
Wow! That's the kind of house I dream about. Thank you for sharing it!
The pillows in the living room remind me of a row of fat bunnies standing at attention. Must every pillow in the world have bunny ears????? lol
Where did you find the woven baskets with handles that you're using for storage under the gift wrap rack?
Where did you find the woven baskets with handles that you're using for storage under the gift wrap rack?
What color is that on the nursery walls? Please tell… I love it!
Im also wondering about the nursery paint colour, so pretty, can I get the name of it please?
Did you ever find out paint color? I want it too
Did you ever find out the color of the nursery?
What color are the nursery walls? In love!
I absolutely love the nursery color for the post on Aug. 16, 2013. Is there any possible way that yoI know the color name of the walls? Thanks for the info!
I’m in love with the wall color in the nursery. Please, please, please share! Thank you!
Could I please get the nursery color?
Thank you
Any way of finding out the color on the wall in the nursery?!?
I would just love to know that name of the color on the Nursery walls. Do you still have that info?
Nursery wall color?? Love it!
Love the nursery color, I have tried eye balling it to find a match with no such luck. Where can I find that color? Please share
This house is beautiful!!! Would you mind sharing the color of paint used in the nursery? Thanks so much!
I love the nursery color! I’ve been to Sherwin Williams about 3 times and have tried 7 samples trying to match the color. The closest one, in my opinion, is 7611 Tranquil Aqua. The second closest was 9135 Whirlpool. Hope this helps!