Watch out! I am on a purging rampage. Actually, I really hadn’t been but I have a true story for you. My sweet children wake up very very early. Very. So they are used to playing and being sweet and quiet until 7:00 {they normally arise at 6:30 no matter what time they are tucked in}. The other morning, I woke up and walked down the hallway to find them behind closed doors in my son’s room. Hmmm. I opened the door and almost fainted. His toys {every single one } were strewn all over the floor. Everything was everywhere. If you know me at all, you know this gives me hives. But I had literally just woken up and hadn’t said a word to them so I put a huge smile on my face and said, “Good morning!” My daughter took one look at my face and said, “Oh, mom. Don’t worry. We are sorting into KEEP, DONATE and TRASH!” Say what?? Huh? My kids are magically sorting all of their toys? Was this for real or was I being punked? There were no hidden cameras and my kiddos purged three garbage bags of trash and a car load of donations. I went with it. And I mean all the way. I scratched all of our plans that day and we finished what they had started. And then I heard those words every mommy who likes to organize dreams of hearing, “Mom, we realized we don’t need all of this. We only play with a few things. This is all just stuff.” Huh? I haven’t been the same since. I feel like something clicked in them. And I didn’t force it upon them or even ask. They realized that the more stuff you have, the less enjoyment there really is. They chose the things that are special or the things that elicit more creative play. The rest is gone! So it seemed timely that I show you features from the link up party. You all are an organized bunch and it makes my heart sing. Cheers to getting organized and realizing that less is truly so much more. look what I did I actually wish this would jump through the screen and land in my home. Best utility closet, evah! It’s so fantastic and I so need to do this.
Free Printables from Love 2 Decorate Holla! Free printables. And they are darling. We are very lucky!!! …
this is happiness With many of us getting back to school, this is great inspiration for staying organized. …
this is happiness I love this. It goes to show you what pretty paper and some getting organized can do! Beautiful. …
iron and twine – sink and pegboard I am crazy envious of both of these. We need to implement both stat. Amazing. …
the good life If you have young ones, you will want to see this. Especially what they did with the closet. To see more ideas and my top ten you can click below! Cheers to organizing.
cheers to organizing.
What sweet kiddos you have! Sound like you have raised them to be generous with their 'stuff'. I would have freaked out too with a room strewn with toys–I love that we can relate in this way haha! Love the features, especially the first utility closet. Inspiring!
Wow! I love to hear stories like that – great job kiddos!
Oh, that is way too funny! What great kids, they're learning early! I'm sure I need to have my kids read this… 🙂 Inspiring features, I think I have some cleaning out to do!
I recently re-organized our laundry room closet (below) and feel SO much better!!
Love it when everything is in it's place.
Oh and your kids rock!! 🙂
Yeah for kids that "get it!"
I too have been purging and organizing. My 17 year old said to me the other day – "is my room next?". So…yesterday we dove in head first!! Love it that your kids are on board – good for them and good for you!!
My kids get up super early, too, no matter what time they go to bed. However, they figured out how to work the TV, so the start of an organizing plan wouldn't be the what they chose to do with their early plans. Good for them.
What a sweet surprise to see my Utility Closet this morning. Thank you so much for featuring it…it was a fun project to create and we use it everyday!!!! Thanks again!!
Great features! I would be in Heaven if my kids willingly started Keep, Donate, Toss piles…I usually have to do this to their toys while they're not around or it's drama. {If I successfully get it done, they never notice anything is missing, funny how that is…}
Great ideas! I need to get some of those IKEA drawer organizers, I've been on an organization kick!
You have done a wonderful job raising Grady and Riley. To instill those values in a young child is amazing.I can so picture the scene. Grady seeing your face and thinking, "uh-oh…mom doesn't look too happy" and Riley thinking, "hold on Grady, I got this…" So sweet.
Great features!!
I am SOOO JEALOUS!! An organizing junkies dream… 🙂
Thanks for the idea about the baskets for the kids folders! My kids' teachers do the same thing and I was constantly losing the folder in different parts of the house. Now, I will have one central location and I even had a Cost Plus coupon, no less! 🙂
Yay for your kiddos! They sound so so sweet. That must have just melted your heart and how proud you must be of them. Important values you are teaching them. Great job Mom!!
I just finished a major purge/ deep cleaning in our home. It feels so good! I still have 2 closets to get to before schools starts again. I'm sort of burned out on organizing….