One of the reasons I love the Christmas season so much is because I love to wrap pretty packages. I know a lot of you out there aren’t big fans of wrapping so I wanted to pass along the easiest wrapping job ever! Even though these wine bottle tags look fancy, they are super easy to make. And you can take it one step further by wrapping a cute print around your sparkling cider or wine! Tis the season for parties and it’s always nice to show up with a little something that has some personality and spunk.
The gold paint pen or gold leaf pen is what kicks this up a notch. The bookplates aren’t necessary. You can always use the pretty gold pen to write the cute message on the front of the tag. I happen to love these little bookplates and have quite a few packages so this was easy for me to pull together. They sell them here if you are interested.
Once you cut your rectangle of cardstock, snip a corner off. The trick is to then hold the corner up to the other side like I did in step #2 so you can cut the same angle. Very easy. The bookplates have an adhesive backing so they stick right to the card. Once you have the hole punched and thread through your cute ribbon or string it’s time to tie it up.
I used Suzy’s Hand font to print out my messages but you can easily just write in whatever you wish. The back of the tag is where you can write a nice message to your host.
I am a big fan of wrapping the bottle in something cute and festive. It only takes a minute and it makes it pretty clear you didn’t grab the bottle on the way to the event {not that anything is wrong with that!!}. The black stripes above were made with electrical tape on a piece of white cardstock. The red/white paper on the other bottle is wrapping paper.
The only issue with wrapping the bottle is that your guest can not see what you brought. I solve that by writing the type and name of wine in small print on the backside of the wine tag. And of course they will take the wrapping off soon enough.
Add a piece of fresh pine and your are good to go. And it smells delicious, too! Your host or hostess will appreciate the extra time you took {and truly is a five minute wrap job}. I made extra tags to use on gifts this year as well. What about you? Are you on the side of loving to wrap or happy to leave it for the elves? For more wrapping ideas go here or here!
These are adorable!!
Thank you! And so easy!
I love this idea!
Love them. I too love to wrap gifts in unique ways. I purchased some scissors a few years back that cut corners in different patterns. I love them because you just reverse them for the opposite side. Perfect corners every time.