Halloween is just around the corner and I thought it would be fun to put together a super simple way to host a spooky sips and sweets party for the kiddos. It doesn’t take much to set a festive scene and create a really fun setup for a play date or a simple Halloween party. I put to use some Martha Stewart craft supplies and very quickly had a table that was sure to bring smiles to the faces of little ones. Here is what I came up with. …
Besides using paper from the Martha Stewart Designer Paper Pad, I also used the supplies below. The little treat bags are so cute for sweets and would also make fun Halloween gifts for teachers or friends. A piece of festive polka dot paper was slipped into the acrylic tray to carry out the color scheme.
These little masks are actually stickers and were perfect for attaching to stripey straws I already had in my pantry.
I am a huge fan of the sticky strips. They are darling strips of paper that are actually stickers from an adhesive border pad. I trimmed the strip to the right length and attached to each glass for a name card. The spiders are also stickers and easily attached to our fun glasses.
This was the first time I had used a circle edge punch . . . . . where have I been? It allows you to cut out a full circle of paper with a pretty edge. You choose any size you want to create round cut outs. Step one: choosing the edge you would like. I chose the lace pattern. Step 2: centering your paper and punching out the design as you rotate the paper. Easy as pie. Step 3: punching out a cute little spider web and adding it to my lace cut outs. Step 4: stringing the simple banner together.
The simple lace banner created a quick and easy back drop for the sips and sweets party.
The 12 x 12 pieces of paper made for fun placemats. The kiddos even liked flipping them over as there are designs on both sides.
The very best part of setting up a fun and festive play date is seeing little hands enjoy the sips & sweets.
And this sweet one seriously cracks us up. First he was spying through his little mask. . . .
and then he was pretending to be scared by the spider on his glass. He is a keeper. And his 100% enjoyment of these little things is what makes being his mommy so much fun.
Here’s to enjoying these little moments and for making them extra special. Thank you to Martha Stewart for providing these fun craft supplies to make this all happen. How are you gearing up for Halloween? enjoy your sweet moments
How funny we both raided the martha halloween stuff! She knows how to do it right!! This is really cute…and love the pics of G!
Ok, you make Martha look goooood! She owes you.
Those striped mask straws are ADORABLE! Especially with G peaking through them! Seriously, great idea! And I love the way you used the sticker strips as a name tag. Genius! I'm thinking about hosting a last-minute Halloween party for my new neighbors and if I do, I am totally stealing all of your ideas : ) Get it, girl!
Love this party idea. I so miss putting together parties for my girls. Loving all the MS goodies.
This is so cute and I am sure your kids loved it.
So stinking cute!! I am babysitting my nieces this weekend and might need to throw together a little party. Thanks for the darling idea!
Such fun party ideas! Your little guy is so so cute Courtney!
How lovely – all these ideas are so cute. We don't do Halloween in Australia like you do there, but I wish we did.
That is such a great idea and you put it together so well! Your kids are lucky to have a crafty mom like you.