I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions. Are you? I think you either are the type or you’re not. Sadly, I think I learned a very long time ago that I never really stuck to the lengthy list created on a crumpled cocktail napkin at the end of the night {and believe me. I have a few of those}. Don’t get me wrong. A new year is a fresh start and new beginning. It’s the perfect time to reflect. We relish that and always use it as a chance to evaluate our lives. But rather than create a list of resolutions once a year, I thought I would share we we do instead. …………………….happy new year
via weekendattire.tumblr.com via pinterest …………………………. checking in My husband and I have always been big on the weekly date night. It doesn’t need to cost a lot of money or be an elaborate evening, but the planned together time has been a major part of our relationship for ten years now. So instead of a yearly list of resolutions, we choose to “check in” monthly {or more frequently} with one another about our individual goals, joint goals, and family goals. We talk about his career and my blogging hobby. We chat about how the kids are doing and what they need to help them do better. We think about how the house is or isn’t running and about the fun and exciting things we want to do. Short term and long term goal setting has been what has propelled us forward and enabled us to realize so many of our dreams and desires. And when things get off track, as they inevitably do, we try to recover as quickly as possible. Being on the same page and knowing where we would like to go seems to help us enjoy the now even more. 2011 was a very challenging and emotional year for our entire family. We welcome 2012 with open arms and look forward to all that it will bring . . . and we face it head on together. ……………………………………. Happy new year to you! Thank you for carving out a little slice of your day to stop by this blog. I wish you and your family a very healthy and happy year ahead. ……………………………………… And if you have a moment, leave a comment and let me know where you fall on the idea of making resolutions. Are you able to stick to those lists? Do you have that enviable amount of discipline? Do you prefer checking in like we do? Or do you have something else that works for you? I would love to know. See you back here in 2012.
I love the idea of monthly "check ins." That's something I just may have to start doing. I agree with your thoughts on resolutions. I used to create these long, long lists, but this year I went with three specific do-able resolutions. I'm going to try this out and see how it goes: read more, learn how to sew, and take a sewing class 🙂
Wishing you and your family a happy, happy new year!
i think this is a fantastic idea my hub and i are together for 30 yrs and i wish we had tried this we have so much distance between us to much to recover mabe something like this would have made our marriage much happier…..don't get me wrong our marriage works for us it just isn't a marriahe of love…but it works my son just got married a few months ago and i think they do a date night i may send this to them to read….HNY!!
I love that you and Ryan check in with each other to keep on track…so so important. You two make a great team. xo
I'm in the non-resolution group as well. I do spend the first of the year purging and organizing all the corners in the house. It feels good to have a clean slate.
I think your check-in conversations are great. Very "grown-up". :o) We need to have more of those at our house. I should resolve to commit to more of those this year. I'm a heck of a list maker, so I could make an ongoing list of topics to discuss. That way, they'd be in my face – a more likely place to make things happen.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and balanced 2012!
Haven't gotten to read many blogs lately and hope to start back in 2012! My goal is to learn to say "no" next year. sounds nice, huh? 😉 I commit to way too much, thus causing me to not take care of myself, eat right or get enough rest. I'm going to chill on those things this year….hopefully. 🙂 Happy New Year!
I'm planning on making monthly resolutions this year. I figure it might be easier for me to follow something for a month than the year and it allows me to change things up a bit. Tomorrow I will be posting on my January resolutions.
Setting aside time to check in is so good for a marriage. It's wonderful that you make that a priority, Courtney. I am a major to-do list maker, so instead of resolutions I kind of make a loose list of things I'd like to accomplish or attend to better in the next year. Starting a new year is such a good excuse to reevaluate isn't it?
Wishing you and your family a very happy year ahead! So glad I got to know you in 2011 🙂
Have a wonderful New Year Courtney! Love that you and Ryan have those special date nights. Mark and I go for coffee together just about every morning.
I am not big on resolutions, but tried something different last year…I chose ONE word to describe what I'd like to accomplish in the New Year, something that would carry over to many areas of my and my families life. The word for 2011 was Simplify. And, I am proud to say…Mission Accomplished! I still thinking about this years word.
I am big on to-do lists as well, Lisa. It's so great hearing what you all do to inspire yourselves in a new year. I really love the idea of making a word a focus of the year like Lauren did with "simplify". Great idea.
I don't tend to do big resolution lists anymore. For the past few years I also have picked one word or phrase that will hopefully remind me of what I want to work on throughout the year. Then I print it out in vinyl and hang it on a little wall that leads from the master bedroom to the bathroom so I can see it every day. For example, one year my word was "Balance" cause I felt like I'd been kind of crappy about keeping everything I was trying to do in balance with my family and wanted to work on being better at that.
So that's what tends to work for me. I think this year my word is going to be "Time" or "Priorities"…and I tell you what, having a more scheduled weekly date night will fit right in with either word! I think that's awesome that you and your husband have these date nights and check in with each other frequently.
I do more of a to do list. Like a guide! I used to do resolutions but they never lasted long. Happy New Year to you & your family.
I am not big on resolutions, but I do like to think of the new year as a clean slate so I try to get organized and ready for whatever the new year brings. I love that you and your husband carve out time for each other – so important, especially on down the road. Happy New Year Courtney!
I love the "monthly check in" with your hubs. Its a great way to stay connected and aligned as a couple and as parents. I do two resolutions a year. The first is something I want for myself and the second one is something I want for my larger community. Then I work on both all year long.
I LOVE this! We do something similar each week and it's also been great for us. I agree with you on the resolutions, I have made them and given up 10 days later. I realized that it's better for me to just reflect and set some "goals" that are more realistic than "running every day" or "eat more healthy". 🙂
Wishing you the most fabulous 2012 dear blog friend!
I am not so much a resolution person as a goal setting one. I try to keep the list small or I get overwhelmed. Just the usual…lose some weight, get more active, spend more time on ME!!
I love that you spend quality time with your hubby. Sometimes my husband and I can sit in the same room and never say anything. Sometimes you have to go somewhere else and sit face to face. like over dinner, preferably out!! That works for us!
Have a happy and fun New Year!!
Your checking in routine is really important for a healthy marriage. I admire that y'all take the time to consciously do that. I set a new year's goal last year (lose the baby weight) and this year I plan to be a better cook and cook more – wish me luck:)
Hi lovely lady.
I would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year from my home to your's
XXOO Diane
I like your idea of checking in with your husband. I think it's nice to bond over goals and progress.
I'm not into resolutions either. If there is something I want to do or get better at I don't need a special day to start it. I just start immediately. I like your idea of date night and checking in with your husband. I too believe communication is key for a happy marriage and family. Wishing you the best in 2012. Thanks for all of your inspiration and support!
happy (almost) new year! instead of resolutions, i make a list of 100 things to do. makes it more tangible 🙂
Seems like 2011 was an emotional and trying year for a lot of people, Courtney. I know it was for my family as well. I keep saying 2012 is our year. I wish the same for you.