When is the last time you bought yourself something nice to just lounge around the house in? While I am always looking at beautiful things to wear when I relax, I rarely buy them. Sure I may buy a cozy pajama set, but let me tell you. My bathrobe has seen better days. There are so many sales going on right now (at most stores) and it was time to treat myself to a couple of feminine and cute finds. I am sharing a few of my favorites with you today. Also sharing a story that goes back ten years.
So I have had the same bathrobe for ten years. My cozy, peach bathrobe is actually a really special special part of my life. That sounds weird doesn’t it? I am more than certain my husband is ready to see that thing go far far away. But I am extremely sentimental and it is part of a rather rough pregnancy story. I haven’t really shared much about my pregnancies. Perhaps I should but for now I’ll keep it short and sweet. My daughter is a true miracle. I was placed on bedrest at 24 weeks. I was given the choice of staying in the hospital or going home. Ummm??? Home, please. So from 24 weeks on I had strict instructions to lay only on my left side and to only get up when I needed to use the restroom.
One of the places I lived as a child was St. Louis. We had the most amazing neighbors who became life-long friends. Phyllis was my mom’s dearest friend and when I was put on bedrest with Riley, she sent me the softest, most beautiful robe. I wore it everyday. And I have worn it for nearly ten years now. The robe is more than just an object. It represents a really poignant part of our lives and now that we have lost Phyllis, I cling to it even more. And I wore it each time I had sleepless nights with my infants and every time I nursed them. There is a history with me and that robe.
But I realized that I can hold onto that robe and all the love it represents and still wear something new that makes me feel feminine and beautiful. My husband was SHOCKED to see me in a new robe. And it felt nice. So I wanted to share this striped little number. It is inexpensive (on sale) and perfect for getting ready after you shower. I know this is a long story for a short robe (ha!) but it’s the truth. And for the record, this robe is dreamy. Soft, pretty and feminine.
robe (40% off sale) – I am wearing a medium
sleep shirt | short set (both 40% off)
This cute print also comes in a couple of other styles. Both are currently on sale. And Honeydew is famous for really silky, soft fabric.
Do you ever attach really strong feelings to clothing you own? I know there are experts out there that say it’s silly. And I think it is if it leads to holding onto everything forever. For me it is just a few pieces. Another is the blouse I had on the night I met my husband. I will never part with it.
So bottom line, when I was hunting for a new robe, I found a ton of great items on sale. My current winter pajamas and lace shorts are included in the sales.
top (sale ) | shorts (sale $20)
I am more of a shorts girl ( when the weather isn’t freezing) and I adore these. Super soft and pretty. Just a nice pair to wear around the house. I think that when you are ready, it is really wonderful to give your “around-the-house” wardrobe a little pick-me-up. I think it’s easy to fall into the trap of wearing the same thing for years (I know!!) and somehow end up channeling your inner Mrs. Roper. Please tell me someone is old enough to know who she is. And I love her dearly, but I truly love feeling feminine and girlie and sometimes that means out (or shove to the side) with the old and in with the new. And it certainly doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot of money. It’s not about that. A $20 pretty find can make you feel like a million bucks.
These pajama bottoms are still going strong around here. I have worn them pretty much daily. When I am finished driving children around to their various activities I jump into these. So so soft.
Shop These Pajamas
These are all on sale! Except for the floral one which I had to include because it looks just like a cute pajama shirt I took to college my freshman year. I loved that nightshirt and this looks just like it! I have the lace shorts and love them (size small). So cozy and cute.
And those green pajamas! Soooooo soft. They come in other colors and I gave them to my mom for Christmas. She put them on that very night which made me so happy. They really are a beautiful pajama set and now they are on sale. I highly recommend. Maybe they would be an amazing gift for someone who needs them just like I needed that robe from Phyllis over ten years ago.
fair aisle sweatshirt (on sale)
I also have been wearing this around the house as well as to carpool with my kids and run errands (no need to tell anyone it’s technically pajamas . . . reads more like a darling sweatshirt!). Super soft and now on sale. It has that worn, slightly faded look which is really cute. I am wearing a medium.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you how you want to feel. Sometimes it’s comfort over anything else. Sometimes it’s the emotional attachment that reigns supreme. And sometimes we just need a little nudge to say, “Yes. It’s okay to want to feel beautiful and feminine.” I finally listened to that voice and pink stripes won out (no big surprise!).
Other Cute Pajamas Around Town
And switching gears just a tad, the leopard fold over clutch is back in stock!!! It’s on my sidebar and can be found under accessories over at Gray Monroe!!! It never stays in stock very long and I missed out the last time.
*affiliate links used
Love the story behind this post Courtney. I can most definitely see why you are attached to that robe. My mother in law took an old fur coat that she adored and wore for many many years (it was the “in” thing to way back in the day, she is 97), and she had someone turn pieces of it into teddy bears for my girls. It was such a sweet way for her to pass along a treasured item to her granddaughters and know her memories of wearing it lived on.
What a beautiful story.
Welp, just bought myself $70 worth of new jammies/loungewear. Calling it all a birthday gift to myself 🙂
What a sweet story. I don’t see anything wrong at all with hanging onto key pieces of clothing that have such special meaning to us. I’m old enough to know who Mrs. Roper is and loved her dearly 🙂
Thanks for sharing Courtney. Your posts like these give off such warm fuzzy vibes. I have also just added some lounge peices. I keep wondering about the line between comfort and feeling like I can leave the house. Is the answer work out clothes?
I totally get why you wouldn’t want to part with that robe. That robe is everything. Keep it forever!
Super cute loungewear!
Mrs. Roper! Bahahaha! Thank you for that. And thanks for sharing that sweet story about your robe.
Your peach robe is a special robe indeed. I love this personal story Courtney. I can absolutely relate to this. Your striped robe is darling and is so pretty on you with the lace trim. Cute pjs you got your mom! Years ago I worked a second job at Victoria’s Secret. I have always liked feminine and comfy lounge wear.
I would love to read your baby stories. I just started bed rest this week.
I absolutely cannot part with the pajamas I wore in the hospital to have both of my girls. I never wear them anymore, but I bought them specifically for the hospital. We knew we were having girls both times, so I bought a pretty pink and white cloud print flannel pajama set (pants and top) from Victoria’s Secret. Every time I clean out my PJ drawer, I cannot bear to part with them. It is kind of silly, but I nursed them in those PJ’s, held them when they were hours old, etc. There’s a history there. And I can’t let those go. So I totally feel you on the robe nostalgia. My mother-in-law gave my husband a pair of comfy PJ pants right before we got married (b/c I had a lingerie shower, she wanted him to have something). Just this week, he held them up and showed me that the elastic was shot to heck in those pants and they wouldn’t even stay up on his waist anymore. But after 16 years, it was still hard to part with them! 🙂