My grandfather, who we dearly miss, was a builder. He built many of the structures that still stand in the Southern California city my mom grew up in. I have a fascination with people who build. I think there is something not only awe inspiring but very romantic about creating something that can last through the centuries. That brings me to a kitchen! My grandfather, Poppy as I called him, built a play kitchen for his three children. It has not been played with by three generations and if filled with a million pie-making, coffee pouring, cake-baking memories. I love watching my children play with it. So when I came across this handmade kitchen on Constant in Chaos I was speechless. For so many reasons. It is not only gorgeous, but it is something that will be passed down through the generations and it just makes me smile to look at it. I think you will agree. Not to mention the attention to detail is captivating. Her daughter standing in her tutu at the kitchen her daddy made for her is too cute for words.
So a huge thank you to my Poppy for instilling in me a love of handmade things and a thank you to Cat for sharing this with us today. You can check out more about this amazing kitchen right here!!!! Constant in Chaos I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
I completely agree with you; and nothing is more special than handmade, and something that has time and human skills go into the creation. Not just mass produced like so many things these days. How cute is your little girl with the tutu on?!
That is so sweet Courtney. I agree, handmade is better especially by someone you love.
This really struck a cord. Both of my sweet grandparents (Granny and Pop) were both very creative, talented people. They were always making things for us and others. I have numerous pieces that they both lovingly put together. They will be cherished long after the store bought items!! That kitchen is adorable.
How adorable! Makes it so special when something was created out of love.
What a beautiful little kitchen! It makes me smile to see things that can be handed down, so many memories come with them and it is such a wonderful way to stay connected to family. This little kitchen set will be enjoyed for many years! She is too darn cute with that little tutu!!
This brought a smile to my face this morning! What little girl wouldn't LOVE such a wonderful play kitchen? (And what mother wouldn't totally appreciate the hours of fun that will be had). I know my daughter would go bananas over a space like that!!
Thank you so much for sharing this post. I've been talking about a cute wooden kitch set for my little girl for months. My mother in law had suggested that my father in law could build it and finding this post helped me find the links to the post with the instructions and supply list that I can give him to get him started! Thanks again!
That is so very sweet, thank goodness for fantastic Grandpas! And this little kitchen is just too cute for words, she is one talented lady!
I love this kitchen SO much! I have had my eye on it for months. I want to make one for my daughters 2nd birthday in June, but I have absolutely no skills in this area. I will probably have to buy a pre-made one, but I really wish I had the talent for this one!
What a sweet story. I share in your love for building! It really is amazing. And goodness, what a cute kitchen!
Too freaking cute!
No words. That is just seriously awesome! What a lucky little girl!
That kitchen is too sweet and awesome for words! And i know how you feel about your poppy…I am the same with my poppoo. I keep waiting for it to get easier. But at least we have a piece of them in us.
What an adorable little kitchen and so special and meaningful! Those little curtains are so sweet and the crystal knobs….that little girl is a doll in that tutu! Handmade things are the best, especially when they are passed down through the generations.
That is just so sweet! And love the tutu! Precious!
I also had a handmade kitchen passed down to me that my grandfather built! Yes, there is something very special about the handiwork that goes into ANY handmade item.
This kitchen is just darling. Beyond words! The colors, details, fabrics (my fave) – Wow! 🙂
Sophisticated Steps