Hitting the ground running this morning. I have been horrible about working out lately so I have vowed to begin this week by kickboxing. It felt so good to get up early and sneak in a workout. I really have no excuse not to and am going to try to be more consistent. I am hoping by throwing this out there I hold myself more accountable. Anyone else need a little nudge to get back on track? Our weekend was one to remember. Our son earned his black belt and to say we are proud would be a vast understatement. Here is our Monday Morning Wrap-Up.
While this little man amazes us with his maturity and focus each and every day, he still looked liked my baby standing there. One of those moments where you want to run up and hug and squeeze him but know you can’t. We celebrated back at the house with family and he was so surprised to see the house decked out with black party decor everywhere. His sister displayed all of his past TaeKwonDo belts across the mantel which was really sweet. And he can’t wait for her to take a class with him. That’s his number one wish after earning his belt.
We hung this sign out in front of the house but the reason I am showing you is because it is quite the find. Have you seen these? It’s just a $10 sign from Party City but it’s over 5′ long and comes with letters and symbol stickers so you can create your own message. I think it’s pretty awesome. We will be keeping this stashed away for when we want to celebrate special events.
With Grandma and Grandpa visiting from Pennsylvania, it’s a great excuse to hit the beach. Our favorite spot is at the Montage hotel in Laguna. It just might be one of our favorite places ever not just because of the beauty but because we have created so many memories here. If you are ever in Southern California, it’s a must-see. The beach is public and the grounds are just gorgeous.
We brought a picnic lunch and spent the day playing baseball and tossing around the football.
In style news, this top is back again in all sizes. There is just something about the ruffle around the neck that I adore. It’s also super cute with this faux suede jacket I just bought.
And a huge hug and shout out to my dear friend, Meghan, who captured amazing moments during Peter Pan. She is such a talented photographer and having these photos is really so special. I am going to surprise the kiddos and create an album with all of the photos she sent me.
Thanks for letting me share a little bit of our weekend life. Tomorrow I am sharing a fun new Fall look so be sure to pop on over.
And to those of you who are trying to get back on your game with working out, let’s do this!!! I’m backing you all the way.
Congrats again to Grady! A great accomplishment. Love that sign. Will have to look for one next time I am in Party City. The pictures from Peter Pan are precious.
I have been telling myself I need to get back into some sort of groove with exercising. Now that I have hit 15 weeks I am starting to see more energy so my goal this week is to walk at least 3 nights, if I can get in more that would be great too! Congrats to your little man on his black belt too!!! What an accomplishment!
Love the photos from Peter Pan – so bummed I wasn’t able to attend and still haven’t received my DVD of the performance. I’m putting the Montage Hotel on my bucket list – it looks so peaceful and refreshing.
You and Ryan are raising an amazing young man. A big congratulations to Grady for earning his black belt! I love that his wish is for his sister to take a class with him. So sweet! I must make a trip to the Montage Hotel. It looks so beautiful.
Thank you so much, Allison. He really is a sweet boy. You MUST visit the Montage. Maybe we can go take a walk over there when you come. So so beautiful.