Monday came way too fast this weekend. We were non-stop with family in town and our children performing in a local play. It honestly went by in a blink of an eye and this girl is not ready to kick off the week. But before we forge ahead, here is a quick look at what kept us busy the past few days in our Monday Morning Wrap-Up.
Have you had the protein pancakes from Kodiak? So yummy. My husband made them for the children and snuck these up to me while I was still in bed. No, breakfast in bed is not a normal thing but I was trying to crank out some work before we hit the ground running. A drizzle of syrup and a spoonful of whip cream doesn’t negate the protein does it?! Ha. We pick this pancake mix at Target and it’s a favorite around here.
The kids were both a part of The Lion King this weekend. I am always beyond impressed with the level of the production and the dedication of these brave and sweet actors. They are all still so young and do such an amazing job. That is our sweet boy as Grown Simba. Our daughter rocked her role as a gazelle and jungle dancer. A huge thank you to all of our friends who came out to support the cast. Also a thank you to all of the volunteers who make these special productions happen. Such great memories for the kids involved. And for moms and dads watching!
After the Saturday show we headed to lunch with family to celebrate. My husband and I love that these two experience so much together. While they are two years apart they are often asked if they are twins. Listen. They argue and fight like the best of them but at the end of the day these two are buddies and we hope that always lasts.
jeans | cardigan | t-shirt | necklace
Before the second show on Sunday we took the family bowling. Thought it would be fun to get their mind off of their nerves and we hadn’t bowled in years. I managed to bowl a few strikes the first game and then my game went downhill and it was gutter ball city. At least I tried!
Ok. I am now desperate for help. I have not been able to post on Facebook for over a month. Everything was fine (for years) and now I can’t do a thing. So first of all, I am sorry to all of you who are on Facebook and wondering where A Thoughtful Place went. I am beyond frustrated and have clocked countless hours trying it figure it out. So has my I.T. guy (aka my husband). So I am now throwing it out there to see if any of you have any insights. You never know, right? PLEASE shoot me an email if you have any brilliant tips to save me from going nuts over this.
Also a big shout out to my girl, Candace. We snuck out earlier in the week. She is a dear friend and while we always want to get together to catch up, life seems to get in the way. So when I have a chance for a night of genuine conversation, great food and a delicious cocktail I do not say no. If you are local, Public 74 is a great spot to grab some yummy food and talk the night away. That raspberry mojito was seriously scrumptious. Also highly recommend The Tomato Addiction (Cast iron roasted crushed garlic, sweet tomato and herbs finished w/ balsamic. Served with St Andre brie and grilled breads). Crazy good.
Now it’s back to cold cereal and laundry this morning! You know those weekends that are so busy you don’t even see forward to the week. Now that Monday is here I need to see about some groceries and making a game plan for our summer.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. If you are anything like me, this Monday may be a bit of a slow one.
Have you tried doing a live chat with a FB rep to figure out the problem? Whenever we have a problem with our platform, most of the time that helps. Good luck! {btw, I always read here but never comment…but I just love your blog. It’s just so genuine and pretty. Thanks for always putting out a great read!}
Hi Meagan,
First of all thank you so much for the kind compliment about the blog! That really means a lot to me. xo
So how they heck do I live chat? Isn’t it sad that I am asking that. But that option doesn’t seem to come up on my blog Facebook. Thank you for the tip, though. I am determined to figure it out and that might be really helpful.
Have a great week.