*Such a difficult morning for our country. Waking up to horrific news reports really stops you in your tracks. My heart goes out to all of the families who lost someone special and to all of those who are suffering in the hospital. Las Vegas, we love you. There really are no words for something like this.
Anything we do after tragedy seams meaningless and trivial. But I am continuing with my Monday Morning Wrap-Up because it was actually a very meaningful weekend for our family and something that is very dear to our hearts. Here are the snippets of our weekend.
I kicked off the weekend with my friend Laura from Meaningful Spaces. Do you know her? She is not only talented and beautiful, but just such a real and genuine person. I feel really fortunate that blogging is what brought us together. Always a nice way to begin a day.
Target does it again. I needed to just grab a couple of staples but took some time to wonder up and down the decor aisles. I have yet to really do any Fall decor around the house so I was trying to get inspired. Just thought it would be fun to share as it’s all so pretty right now. Love the colors and the rugs.
Aren’t these cute! I know some of you will ask so I tried to find them for you.
I picked up a birthday gift for a friend and took a quick look at shoes. These caught my eye. You can always tell what kind of mood I am by the shoes I pick up. Clearly in a comfy and cozy mood as the stilettos didn’t call my name!
On Friday, I was able to spend some time with my dear mom. We went to lunch and then walked around Michaels for over an hour! She helped me pick out these blooms. It was so bright in the room when I snapped this so they look bright pink but they are actually a warm berry color and pretty for Fall. I had picked out some orange/brown stems but mom pointed these out! I think she was trying to tell me “Oh no way!” on the orange and brown leaves. So these are particularly special as she helped pick them out. Not only that, but they were 70% off. So great! Each stem was marked down to $3.99 so I filled these vase for $32. That’s a steal for such tall stems. Great quality, too.
Saturday morning we joined the Walk to End Alzheimer’s at The Great Park. It was an extremely emotional day and one that I am still processing. We walked for my sweet mom who is living with this horrendous disease. It was a lot for these two babies to take in and as a parent I am still struggling with how to care for their thoughts, fears and sadness.
What a powerful show of support. So necessary for the primary caretakers and loved ones affected by Alzheimer’s. Do you know that this disease is responsible for taking more lives than prostate cancer and breast cancer combined? Something needs to be done.
I am forever grateful to our dear friends who shared their Saturday morning with us. To have one of my mom’s very best friends walk with us was so very special. And a huge thank you to all of our friends and family who donated money and offered up thoughts and prayers from afar.
The walk landed on my dad’s birthday! So later that night my mom and dad came over so we could gather to celebrate this amazing man. I have no words for what this man does for my mom each and every day. They have a love that people dream about. He is relentless in his care for her and it inspires me every day.
Thank you for letting me share such an emotional weekend with you in light of an emotional day for our country.
My mom died of Alzheimer’s five years ago and I know what it’s like to raise kids and watch your mom lose her mind. We did the Alz walk with her for a couple years at the Irvine amphitheater location and she loved it! Good bittersweet memories. Email me if you want to talk – Hugs-
Such an awful disease. I keep praying a cure will be found soon. So sorry you are having to walk this trail. God Bless.
You know I’ve been there. Both of my grandmothers had Alzheimer’s. And, my mother is having memory issues. I have a lady in my weekday Bible study class who has been dealing with either an in law or parent with the disease for 11 years now!!! I pray more research is done, and pray for the families of those living with this disease.
A day late reading this post. Just couldn’t read my daily blogs with yesterday’s news. I’m so sorry you’re family is going through this. My son was sad all weekend over bullies at school (it’s his first year in middle school) and my heart has just felt broken for him. Can’t imagine your mom pain for your babies dealing with their grandma having Alzheimer’s, and your pain too. My grandma has a group of friends who have been friends since 4th grade. They are all turning 90 next year!! One of their friends Jennie has Alzheimer’s and she is very bad off. She doesn’t remember anyone, she’s not herself and really mean and angry and hateful often. My grandma and her friends visit Jennie weekly and when I told my grandma I thought it must be so hard and sad to see her and know she doesn’t even recognize you, my grandma just replied “it’s not, we know her and that’s what matters”. I don’t know if that’s helpful or not but I really loved that way of thinking about it. Grandma also said they always bring a box of chocolates for her and she always likes that and never shares???? Much love to you and your family.
I read your blog every day, along with many other blogs, but I just want to say that I really appreciate how you acknowledge things that are happening in the world in your blog. I am renovating my kitchen right now, and it’s hard to think about making decisions about things that seem trivial in comparison to all the hurt people are experiencing in recent events. Again, thank you for at least mentioning these things and expressing that it’s sometimes difficult to blog in light of tragic events. Also, sending up prayers for your mom and dad and all those affected by Alzheimer’s.