Good morning. How is everyone this morning? I’m a little a lot sore this morning. I joined my husband on his hike this weekend and thought I could keep up with the amount of sprint up stairs he combines into the hike Ummm. I was wrong. Let’s just say mama’s got some work to do. I may be moving a little bit more slowly today but my to-do list is crazy long so it’s go-time. The past week has been a whirlwind. Here is our Monday Morning Wrap-Up.
This year I shared my pumpkin on Instastories because it’s the first year I busted out a power tool. Let me set the stage. It was one of those nights that was positively bananas. I didn’t want to be the wet blanket on the pumpkin carving but I was putting out fires left and right and squeezing in helping kids with homework and reports.
It all ended up going really well but I was exhausted when it came to finally carving mine. Crafty Nest to the rescue! She is a genius and used a drill to carve pumpkins. Ummm. . . best idea ever. I had this cutie carved in five minutes. If you try this next year, just be sure to do it in the sink to catch the flying pumpkin bits. From one mom to another, just trying to keep the traditions alive over here, sometimes a short cut keeps everyone happy and sane!
Friday found us at Disneyland for 12 hours. My daughter had a leadership conference with her ASB (student government) class. Over 70 kids descended upon the happiest place on Earth and I was one of the chaperones. I was so impressed with the conference portion of the day. It was about three hours and focused on leaving a leadership legacy. I learned so many great things and a goal setting exercise I would love to share on the blog.
So fun seeing this cutie run and around and enjoy the day. We are not pass holders and we only got to Disneyland every few years. Might seem crazy because we live so close, but that is how I grew up, too. My parents would take us for special occasions and I remember each and every one of them. This was a memorable day for sure.
On a break from their conference, these sweet girls fueled up on the must have orange slushy!
My husband surprised my son after school and brought him so we could all enjoy the afternoon and evening together. This is one hard-working boy and we wanted him to know how proud of him we are. Thank goodness for my husband because he could hit up all of the roller coasters with him. I chickened out. But I could ride “Soarin’ Across the World” all day long. One of my favorite rides ever.
The sunsets have been so lovely lately so seeing the sun go down over the park was truly magical. And thank goodness for comfortable walking shoes. We must have walked seven miles after all of the trips between both parks. Thankful for a really special family day. We stayed until 9:30 and my car full of girls all fell asleep on the way home. A day well spent.
Well, well, well. I’ve realized something about myself. I have no idea how to strip a piece of furniture. Holy cow. This is the pretty dresser that will eventually be navy for our master bedroom. It was a bit of a comedy show seeing my try to strip the varnish off. My husband walked up and with one stroke had a clean removal of varnish. So you know what that means? He’s hired and I’m fired. Bam. I’ll step into paint this bad boy. Stay tuned.
I shared this beautiful shot on my Stories. My dad and I would text each other when the sky was especially gorgeous. The other evening I was doing laundry and the entire house had a pink glow. I ran outside and saw this and immediately wanted to text my dad to go look outside. My heart sank when I realized I couldn’t but then I realized he has the very best view. I’m sure he was loving it.
Super random, I know, but lately we’ve been having different types of salads topped with chicken. I made my own chicken tenders on this griddle and they turned out really well so I will share the recipe soon. I think I’ll make another batch so the kids can take them in their lunches, too. (PS . . this griddle seriously rocks. It’s one of our most used appliances in our home).
These cozy pom throws are on sale for $29. I think just for today. Hello, great gift idea!!!
Are you reading any good books right now? I am traveling at the end of the week and can’t wait to finish this book on the plane. It’s fantastic. The Girl Made of Clay is all about family and second chances. The author takes you on an emotional ride when a daughter is reunited with her father. What’s even better is that it’s written by one of my readers, Nicole Meier.
And yes, I have busted on the holiday pajamas. I’m not down with only wearing them for one month and they are so cozy. This year I have the itch to start all things Christmas so much earlier. I’m not sure why. I thought with all of our losses lately we would push off the holidays, but I’m craving that wonderful feeling that only Christmas time can bring. I guess I am realizing how fleeting life is and why not enjoy my favorite time of year for a little bit longer. Is anyone else feeling the same way?
Go forth and conquer Monday, my friends. Make it a great one. I am back tomorrow with my first official holiday gift guide and I can’t wait to share it with you. And later in the week I’ve joined forces with some other creatives to bring you a unique and delicious Friendsgiving menu.
Loved your post today it’s full of so much honesty and goodness! Thank you ????
Thank you so much! You’re always so kind and supportive. Have a great week.
Sounds like a busy and full week! Thanks for always keeping it real on your blog! I am excited about the book recommendation , I am adding it to my goodreads profile right now! I am also taking a trip this week, without my kiddos, which means i will actually be able to read on the plane! Looking forward to the chicken tenders recipe. Have a great day!
How crazy you are off on a trip, too. I love reading on the plane. It’s my only uninterrupted time these days. Or where I don’t feel like I need to be doing so many other things. Thank you for the kind comment. Enjoy the trip.
I was also at Disneyland for 12 hours on Friday, celebrating our daughter’s 6th birthday!
Oh my gosh!!! So fun. I was surprised that it didn’t seem very crowded until the evening. I hope you all had a wonderful day. And are fully rested now.
I have the same urge to start celebrating the holiday season extra-early this year. Why not, right?
Why not is right?! I say whatever makes your heart happy is the right thing to do. Cheers to enjoying it all a little longer this year. xo
What a gorgeous sky. One of the last nights we spent with mom, dad and I walked out to a brilliant sky like that. I’ll never forget it. Glad I took a picture. I need to look into that griddle!
Oh my goodness. Lauren that gave me the chills. And I’m so happy you had that experience. Love you, girl. You have been in my thoughts and prayers.
Love your Monday Morning Wrap-Ups. <3 🙂 I say whenever you feel in that Christmas-y mood, don't worry about waiting. My husband and I made a deal this year that we will ease into the season, because really, a month is too short! 🙂 Little by little each day we are easing into the season and it's been so nice. Makes me feel cozier and closer to my Gramma in Heaven (her favorite time of year). <3
Thank you so much! And I love that perspective. Good for you guys. I’m definitely going to get the ball rolling over here. Just love this time of the year so much. I love that all of the decor reminds you of your Gramma. So sweet.
I’m feeling that way about Christmas too, and I am not someone who starts Christmas before December usually.
Will you tell us what you were doing wrong and what he did right with the dresser (I was going to say “with the stripping” but that’s a whole nother blog ????). I’m always keen to pick up tips and I have a few pieces I need to work on
It’s interesting how many people are feeling that way this year. Maybe it says something about how we are all craving that special time of year.
Oh, girl. Where do I begin? To be honest it really came down to muscle. I was scraping and scraping. He walked up and with one smooth motion, stripped a good 12″. I was like, “Ummm. . .what?” But I will explain more in a post soon. And too funny about the “stripping” comment. I was going to make a few comments in my blog but held back. LOL. Have a great day.
I’ve been reading The Girl Made of Clay too and it is one of my faves this season! The father/daughter relationship is so well constructed. LOVE.