Woke up to a blue sky and bright sunshine. Good for the soul! Is it feeling like spring where you are? Easter will be here before we know it. I felt like January was a slow month and suddenly the year is flying. If you have a senior, I know just how busy things begin to get this time of year. Enjoy every second and is it goes by far too quickly. Here are some snippets of life with our Monday Morning Wrap Up.

We stopped in to the grocery store last night and the sun was streaming in so beautifully. I just had to snap a photo. I love that it is almost hydrangea season. Of course ours are a bunch of sticks right now but praying they bloom bigger and better than ever this season. Is it too late to plant tulips bulbs? Does anybody know?

I don’t think I had been to a HomeGoods in months. Popped in to a new one near our home and spotted this chair. I was trying to figure out how to magically transport it to our Florida rental. It’s so cute and screams coastal charm. We have a family renting right now otherwise we would have been there this week. I am craving some ocean time. If you ever book with us, be sure to reach out so I can share some of our favorite not to miss spots.

The stripe chair had me dreaming of more blue and white design. All of these pillow covers look high end and are from Amazon!
- color block pillow set
- blue and white pillow cover
- striped pillow cover
- neutral rug
- indoor/outdoor chairs – 20% off
- gingham ottoman

How dreamy!!! These chairs come in a handful of beautiful colors.

We used the Serena & Lily bistro chairs in the rental dining space. They are incredibly durable and classic. Now 20% off.

Everything at Serena & Lily is currently 20% off.
*** This blue lamp from Wayfair is less expensive option and really cute!

A few of you reached out to ask what book was wrapped up so pretty for book club. My dear friend hand delivered our latest book. Have you read it?

Trying to cook with all whole foods over here. A simple way to do that is a yummy ceviche. Dice your favorites and add plenty of lime juice (juice of 3) plus the juice of one lemon.

Mix it all together with diced fresh shrimp and avocado. It’s delicious. Don’t forget sea salt. I eat mine with plantain chips. So yummy as an appetizer or main dish.

This set arrived and I am head over heels for it. I’ll snap a photo soon. Absolutely love it . . plan to take it on vacation with me. The skirt would be darling over a one piece swim suit as a cover up. And the top can be worn with anything.
What are you up to this week? Is it your spring break? No matter what, I hope it’s a beautiful Monday for you. Thank you for stopping in.
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