Spring is on it’s way and it’s a great time to be thinking about your outdoor space. So many things flew off the shelves last year so it may be a good time to consider how you might want to make your outdoor area more inviting. I put this design together with some items that I think are beautiful. Plus they won’t break the bank. Let’s get right to it.
Warm & Inviting

Outdoor designs have come such a long way. The rugs alone are such better quality and with beautiful options. This rug looks like something you would see in a pretty living room. There is no reason your outdoor space can’t be a reflection of you would decorate on the inside of your house. It really should just be an extension of your home. Let’s take a closer look at these pieces.

They don’t get any prettier than this. Love the rich colors and the design.

Love the clean and classic lines. This table has great reviews.

I’m so tempted to get these but we certainly don’t have a spot for them.

What a beautiful way to add a Spring touch to the front door or patio.

A bit of wicker always adds warmth and texture to a space.

They nailed the design on these. Love everything about this chair.

Such pretty colors and currently on sale (outdoor pillow).

A pretty decorative bowl for any space in your home or outdoor area (would keep it covered).

It’s wonderful to have a fire element in an outdoor space. It brings not only heat but so much ambiance. If you aren’t going to build one in to your landscaping, the portable ones can be hard to find. They sell out quickly each season. This one has a great look and doubles as a coffee table.

This one requires real wood but you can buy packs that are specifically made for this and only last 30 minutes. I know that the inability to turn it off can be a factor, so that is a very nice feature.

The preppy look of a striped umbrella always adds to an outdoor space, too. This one has great reviews.

Just wanted to give you a heads up that the above ground pools are back in stock. Remember the frenzy last summer. If you are at all flirting with having one of these, now is the time. We had one for 2-3 summers and the kids had a blast. More fun than you would imagine.

This is another great option. It comes with the pump, cover and ladder. I like they are making them in more neutral colors now, too. Smart move.
I am hoping this has give you thoughts of warm Spring days and enjoying the fresh air. Make it a good day, friends.
Thanks so much for the heads up on the beautiful striped umbrella! Just ordered the navy and white. I had no idea Amazon carried these nice outdoor umbrellas. We shopped at 3 local stores with no luck. Your post hit with perfect timing!