So let’s keep it real. I tried to do it all this week: volunteer for class parties, bake treats, attend Christmas parties, and keep the house moving. While I may have gotten through all of that, my shopping isn’t done. Ugh. I honestly am shocked that it’s four days before Christmas and I still need some items. I know Christmas isn’t about the gifts, but let’s face it. My husband may wonder why he has nothing to open on Christmas morning. The only thing saving me at this point is Nordstrom so if you are in my same boat, it’s not too late. You can scoop up anything from the comfort of your sofa with free shipping and it will still arrive by Christmas. Bam. That’s what I am talking about. So before I start getting our entertaining rear in gear, I am adding a couple of things to my cart. Just wanted to let you know you still have an option out there! Happy shopping. And to all of you who are done, I bow down to you and am crazy envious. FOR HER hunter rainboots {40% off the dark purple ones . . .such a great price!!!} I love these boots. These are the ones I used in our Christmas Home Tour
hooden down jacket
print flannel pajamas
Cross Bracelet FOR HIM
the north face gloves
wool scarf
reversible pullover {hubby’s favorite}
And now it’s off to clean this house for party time. This time of year is the best and we love sharing it with good friends. Wishing you all a really wonderful weekend. I hope it’s full of snuggles, sweet treats and plenty of merry.
I love nordstrom! I got a gift for my husband there and love that they box it up for you and everything! So many stores these days don't even have boxes to give you let alone package it up for you! Happy shopping!
Thank you so much, Courtney!! I just ordered the Hunter boots! I've wanted them forever, but was waiting for a sale. 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
I've wanted a pair of hunter boots for a while, it might be time to finally pull the trigger!