Does anyone else have a garage that is a magnet for junk? Seriously. The garage is an enigma to me. We clean it and then suddenly it is a disaster again. Well, we are finally trying to get control of it. I think the fact that my hubby convinced me when needed a ping pong table and dart board in there has helped set us on the right path. We enjoy letting the kids or the adults relax and have fun out there. Therefore, the garage needs to look somewhat presentable. And like every other space in our house, if it is not organized or easily accessible we don’t use if for years. Here is the wall that you look at when the garage door is open. I have to say that when I pull the car in, I am so much happier seeing an organized and somewhat pretty space {I use that term very loosely . . . it is a garage after all, people!}

I took my inspiration from Chris over at Just a Girl. When I first started reading blogs, I stumbled upon hers and have been hooked ever since. Her garage inspired me and within a couple of weeks we had a similar black door. Take a look at how gorgeous this space is. I think the bottles of Guiness might have swayed me to take charge of my garage as well.
Tip #1: Consider Painting
Take a cue from Just a Girl and get painting! Even a bright fun green or red would be a beautiful transformation for a garage. I took her advice and used black latex paint. I used a sponge roller brush to paint the door. It’s not perfect, but it turned out pretty well and the overall look of the black door is so much more striking. At the time, I did not own a Silhouette machine so I printed out my numbers on the computer, cute them out, and traced them onto vinyl. They have been on the door for more than a year and have held up great. Here is a shot from Christmas time. No door is safe from a wreath around here.
Tip #2: Cover it Up!
For the most part, things you store in the garage aren’t exactly beautiful. Consider covering it up. We used the large metal storage carts on either side of the door. They sell them at any home improvement store. My husband has one for his work supplies and tools and I use mine for projects supplies and paint. I picked up the curtain panels from Wal- Mart. They were on clearance for $7 each. I bought three as they were not long enough. I simply cut a strip and glue gunned it to the bottom of each one! Keeping in mind. . . .it’s the garage! A little glue gun action ever hurt anyone. You could even add a fun graphic print like these.
I have a shelf for all of my paint supplies and then baskets help keep things looking organized and clean.
In order to hang the curtains, we used inexpensive rods and my husband put a piece of wood behind the shelf. He then drilled right into that piece of wood. It’s not pretty . . . but it doesn’t show at all!
Tip #3: Keep it Handy
Think about what you need all of the time and have it close to the door. For us, rain boots have been a go to during the winter months {and still are during these odd rain storms we keep having}. Now that the temperatures are warming up, the children are always wanting to play outside with their water table. I keep a couple of their beach towels right by the door to dry off with or to grab for when we go to the beach or swimming. I also keep a basket of suntan lotion right by the door so we can do a quick spray before school or the park.
I picked up this cute clock as well as the little rug from Target. They help to add some fun color to a normally boring space. It’s actually been really handy having a clock out in the garage {since that is where I do most of my workouts as well}.
Tip #5: White Melamine
The photo above was included to show you the overhead storage we have. I know a ton of people have these and we LOVE them. We have four total and they are great for storing things in labeled bins. But I didn’t like looking up and seeing my junk so we place white melamine boards on the racks before putting things on them. That way, you don’t get distracted by the stuff that is hanging above you. Because everything is labeled, it is not a problem when you go to find something.
Tip #6: Shoe Storage
Lastly, I am a big fan of the shoe storage bins from Target. I use one on each side to hold our casual shoes such as running shoes and flip flops. The majority of our shoes are inside, but these are the ones we thrown on to run outside or for working out.
So there you have it! A little spring cleaning in the garage. I hope some of the tips can help you out if you are in need of a garage overhaul. And have you painted your garage door already? Any fun colors? I would love to hear.
UPDATE: We added some more tips and tricks to our garage entry. Check it out by clicking below:
I also updated how I organize my craft supplies. Click below for more info:
For more ways to get organized click here! I’m always looking for ways to be more efficient.
So cute!
Oh my, oh my, oh my!!! I LOVE THIS! We have got to get our garage turned around, and this is just the inspiration I need. Thank you! I have been eyeing that same clock at Target almost every time I go in 🙂 I love the red and blue together, so fun!
Great job!
I love a well organized garage. The curtains are a great idea for hiding the un-pretties!
I love seeing those beach towels & sunscreen right within reach! Summer is almost here for us (in Ohio!)
The curtains do hide all the stuff… hmmm… you have just passed on the organization torch!
LOVE the curtain idea and I want those black and white houndstooth rainboots you have LOL
Our garage is a disaster. My husband has built shelves and a cubbie for shoes etc., but it is full of junk and not at all pretty.
You have inspired me…I'll have to see what I can do at there. Our neighbors garage is clean and empty and I always wonder how and why we have so much stuff?
What a cheerful organized garage. I love it.
I love the garage! Functional, yet stylish! Great job!
Emily Hewett
A Well Dressed Home
Looks AWESOME! Soooo need to paint our door a darker color…white just doesn't cut it. Our garage stays fairly clean…it's all in the basement (that a whole different story right now).
We have peg board in our garage which is wonderful for keeping it organized, but I'm so obsessed with the shoe organizer…can't wait to get one!!
You might have the CUTEST garage ever!
umm beautiful garage. how strange to say! haha
Now that is one fun and organized garage! Great tips, Courtney! The curtains were a great touch.
This looks so great! Our garage is such a pit right now, but it's not at the top of the priority list yet 🙂 I did just recently paint the door a shade of blue and that has helped a little!
It looks great! I love the curtains. I wouldn't have though to do that.
Oh I love the pegboard idea. We could use some help in the tool department.
I never would have known you added onto those drapes if you didn't mention it! Great idea on the melamine boards- it really is nice to pull into a nice garage. Mine is pretty bare with a few stencil "try outs" near the light switch! And I'm jealous of your weather that allows you to work out in the garage- way too hot and humid here most of the time!
holy smokes that is a tidy space!!! do you allow your cars in there?!?!?
Fabulous things that I may discover here tonight!!!
Have a nice Tuesday;o)
Thanks for the sweet comments. Yes, we actually park both cars which is why we have to be pretty darn organized.
That looks awesome, Courtney! Our garage is a disaster, but Justin is slowly working on it. We got some great storage things at Ikea. Maybe I should send him this link! When I park my car in there, I just run for the door and try to block out the craziness! 🙂
That is totally amazeballs…I had no idea a garage could actually look *cute*!!! Love the tips and tricks!
I too am a fan of the black garage door. Would love to do that to ours. The drapes are just so clever and I like the organized shoes. Ours just seem to pile up!
i wish i can clean out my garage like that! but the hubs demand i stay out of his toys!
Wow! I SO wish my garage looked like that. I'm bookmarking it in the hopes that we can adopt some of those ideas and transform our pit!
Some really practical ideas here. So much stuff and yet still so spacious and organized looking. The garage is usually one of the hardest places to keep clutter-free as it is one of the first places I put anything I want to keep out-of-sight. Thanks for the post!!
New Stackable Shoe Storage Boxes Make Spring Cleaning Eazy
For many people spring time is de-clutter time. When we take an honest look around us, we see all the things that are cluttering up our homes. One such item is shoes.
As amazing as it sounds, when it comes to shoes, organizing experts say that a female age 13-16 may own
about 15 pair of shoes including sneakers. A mature woman 25-50, owns anywhere from 40-60 pairs of shoes. A question that plagues many people who don’t understand shoe obsessions is what exactly do these people do with all their shoes? Where on Earth do they keep them?
One answer comes from Bill Goodman, inventor of a new stackable organizing system called EazyFind
“I had one of those a-ha moments," explains Goodman. "As I opened my mailbox I remembered a pile of shoes that I saw on my daughter's closet floor two days earlier. I closed the mailbox then opened it again. Since I'm in the box business I stood and stared at the mailbox thinking, ‘I wonder if I can do this in cardboard?' That evening I sketched out my idea for a box that would open like my mailbox. It worked, and I thought 'How cool would it be to have a photograph on the front?' The material was there so I added a pocket window on the front panel. I now had a drop-front opening box, with a place for a photograph of its contents.”
Learn more about Goodman's story at
I personally have been procrastinating my goal of cleaning out my garage. There are so many things in there though that I want to sell on ebay. I was thinking of renting a self storage unit and leaving it there until I figure out what to do with it or have time to setup my ebay auctions. At least it will be out of my garage.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article and I look forward to reading your article blog.
privately selling your home
Love your garage! It is inspiring me to get busy. Have you painted your garage floor? How is that holding up? Mine was painted when we bought our house but it is not in good condition and needs to be re-painted. Any tips?
I love the black door! Can you share what kind of paint and the color used?
I love the black door also! We recently cleaned our garage, and it also has already become a mess. So I can relate. If I could just get my kids to put their shoes in the shoe storage box, it would be so nice. My husband doesn't want a girly garage, so I plan to entice him with showing him yours. It can be organized and absolutely adorable, without having to be girly, right!? Thanks for the inspiration, and as soon as warmer weather hits here in Michigan, my garage door will be black. 😉
Wow! What an idea! What a concept! Beautiful .. Amazing
best garage door opener
I painted my door black as you did…off to buy curtains. Thank you for posting your projects. You are an inspirations.
This looks great! Thanks for sharing!
Mary, momma to many
I tried to figure out the pic with the piece of wood. It just is not clear how a piece of wood in the inside of this shelf provides the anchor for the rods to put the curtains on. ?????
Maybe a better picture ????? of the construction of that.???
What finish, flat, glossy, etc black paint did u use?