The older I get, the more I realize that the very little things make life most enjoyable and memorable. Yesterday was my husband’s birthday. My kiddos both saved a dollar to spend on daddy! So it was off to The Dollar Tree. We had the big chat about how we were shopping for daddy and not four ourselves. I was so very proud of them as they never asked for a thing. They each picked out a balloon and a special gift for dad. It was honestly quite hilarious. My five year old picked out a novel about business and sports {actually quite fitting but she had no clue!}. She liked that the cover was blue since daddy likes blue. My almost three year old when straight for the pen aisle. I was showing him different options but he was dead set on a pack of highlighters! He knew daddy would just LOVE them. Then he picked out cupcake wrapping paper. He insisted we needed special paper for daddy. And so we came home and wrapped up daddy’s special gifts. The kids waited outside for what seemed like forever for him to come back from work. I have never seen children so excited to watch someone else open gifts. It made me realize that it really is the tiny things that end up being huge. To all of you mothers out there, my hat goes off to you. It’s a never ending job. One which tires us, challenges us, humors us, humbles us . . .and most importantly fulfills us. Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mothers. Take Time Please take the time to hold my hand, To lead me on my way. Fairness, honesty, and caring Start the day I learn to play. I know today is important, And the ladders I have to climb, But memories are forever And last a whole lifetime. I won’t remember the “Please” I forgot And maybe the “thank you” too. But I will remember we hugged a lot And whispered “I love you.” by alice vess Happy Friday and I hope you enjoy this special weekend.
Such sweet kids. you've done a great job! happy mother's day.
So sweet Courtney! You've done a great job for sure. And happy Mother's day to you my friend.
What a sweet thing for them to do! I love that they each picked their own gift (and knew their daddy so well). Love the poem. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend my friend.
Aw Court, that is so sweet! I agree with everyone else, it's quite clear that you have done an amazing job with those sweet children. Happy Mother's Day to you, friend! xo
What a sweet birthday present for their daddy! I love how thoughtful they were about it. Happy weekend…Happy Mother's day, Court! (:
Nothing like starting the morning off with a good cry…(c: That poem and the story were so sweet and touching. It really is those little tiny moments that come together to form a lifetime of memories. Thank you for the sweet reminder, and Happy Mother's Day to you, too, mama!
Courtney, you are a wonderful mother and wife to my son. And it IS the little things that matter – I can attest to that from years of experience. 🙂
Your kids are so stinkin cute. Happy Mother's Day!
Aw what sweet kids you have! Love that picture! Happy Mother's Day to you as well and I hope they spoil you rotten : )
Such cuties! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
I completely agree that it's the little things. When my kids were younger we did exactly the same thing (dollar store) and those have been my most treasured gifts over the years. They are exactly what the kids felt and there was no influence over their selection. Love it!
What a sweet, sweet post! Happy day to the hottest, sweetest mom around!
Love it – how cute are those two waiting for their daddy, all dressed up with special presents and balloons? You are such a great mommy raising your kids to think of others!
They look so sweet and excited – just precious! Happy Mother's Day friend!
This is so sweet. They look adorable and so so excited. Love the poem, made me tear up a little bit : ).
Happy Mother's Day!
How sweet are they?! Your son looks so much like his Daddy! It's so fun to see what they chose for him. Happy Mother's Day to you!
So sweet! Happy mother's day!
Such a sweet post! Your kids are the cutest and I think it was just so special they got to pick out their gift for him and spend their own money too! Great values! Hope your husband had a great birthday!
That is just too sweet. Love their faces waiting there with their gifts. So so very precious! Hope you had a wonderful Monday, friend!
One of my favorite poems is along these same lines. Now, I'm all for having a clean house (the dishes and laundry have to be done sometime, so why not now?), but I think there's also some truth to this:
I hope my children
Look back on today
And see a mother
Who had time to play!
Children grow up
While you're not looking.
There will be years ahead
For cleaning and cooking.
So quiet down cobwebs;
Dust, go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby
And babies don't keep.
So sweet! It really is the little things and stopping to take time to enjoy them. I need to practice that myself.
I'm new to your site and love your style and your adorable kiddos!