Happy Friday, sweet friends. How has the week been? I am thrilled to have my husband back in town after a week of him traveling. Always nice to resume the norm. Speaking of the norm, my dear sister was over a couple of weeks ago and asked my daughter a really interesting question. She asked her, “If you could do absolutely anything for a day, what would you do? What is your dream day?”
this download for your phone can be found here!
I was fascinated to hear her answer. It’s almost as if I was hanging on every word. The problem was she said very little. It involved something about sleeping in (which to be honest she couldn’t sleep past 7:00 am if she tried) and watching movies. I sat there puzzled thinking, well if that’s her dream day maybe I need to teach her to dream bigger. Am I failing in that? Than I stopped over analyzing and realized it was more about her being caught off guard and not really spending more than 30 seconds thinking. Or maybe sleep and movies are the holy grail for her.
The reason I bring this up is that I started to think about my own dream day. You know what happened? It was hard for me too. To really dream big. It’s like my brain wanted to only think of things that are normal and easy. Things I could easily do today if I wanted to. Why? Why do we put those restraints on ourselves? I have always set lofty goals and known that if I can think it I can do it. Whether it was education, travel or my own business I have always imagined big things. So why when I am trying to think about one single day, do I play it safe? What if this was my last day? I have faced plenty of heartbreak in the last couple of years and have learned first hand how fleeting life truly is.
flower cart from Bloom The Workshop
So here is my challenge to myself and maybe to you. What TRULY is your day? Is it a collection of simple things? Is it a crazy list of once in a lifetime activities? Let yourself go there and really dream big. The reason I say that is that it may not be that we can really accomplish our true dream day in one day, but is it something we should set our sights on to accomplish over the course of the next month? Year? Decade? What makes our heart skip a bit or encourages our love of adventure? Maybe your dream day is a quiet solace that doesn’t currently exist. Or maybe it’s a day free from pain or heartache. I have always believed that if you put it out there, there is a strong likelihood that it will be realized. There is power in that.
What I do know is that it may take you some time to really come up with your answer. If you’re like me, you may have inner voices stuffing some of the big ideas down. So fight those and really get to that pie in the sky dream day. And then ask your family members. What is their dream day? It may just surprise you.
Cheers to Friday and dreaming big.
Happy Friday Courtney!
Dreaming Big – this is such a fun topic! Funny – if you asked my 12 year old daughter I’d bet her answer would include sleeping in and movie watching as well – and maybe some Starbucks too! 🙂
On our blog this week we did a fun post about our favorite bloggers and your name was on the list! If you’d like to check it out and see all the great company you were in visit kitlife.net/blog.
Hope you have an awesome weekend.
P.S. – I have one of the blanket scarves you show in this blog and I love it. So versatile – I bought two extras for gifts! 🙂
That quote is my absolute favorite!
I purchased a bracelet for a Christmas gift with that quote for a “special” girl. 🙂
Grandma Sue
Do you mind sharing where you got the bracelet? Would love to get one for my daughter.
It is from Charming Life. I purchased mine via Amazon. They have several styles: cuff or leather strap.
Thank you!
Very thought provoking Courtney. I think sometimes it is the fear of failure that keeps us from dreaming big. But there is something to be gained just by trying, reaching out.
I think our answers change with age. I probably would have answered similar to Riley at her age.
Gosh.. so many things, that I feel will never be accomplished…so mine isn’t worth mentioning. Lol
Not feeling sorry for myself…just hard to dream, when I think. Of reality.
So…I failed the challenge…Lol
Love this Courtney! So hard to answer though…..
Btw… thank you so much for sharing the phone screen link. I put it on my screen. to help me try to learn, as a reminder.
Thank you, again!
Very inspiring! Thank you.
This has really made me think… So thought provoking and made me dream bigger x
I love this, second time this week I run across something like this. Thanks…Merry Christmas!