Our daughter turns 13 next week. I’m not sure how that is even possible. She was just a three year old running around in pigtails with knee socks and pink everything. Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It challenges us at every twist and turn. But one thing is for sure, this little girl is loved unconditionally and has a very special bond with her dad. In fact the pieces of advice in today’s post were written by my husband. Here are 13 things he wants her to know.

Take risks. Life is an adventure and pushing yourself leads to new places and new people.
Stand on your own two feet. Everything you need lies within you and your heart.

You light up this world with your smile. Each and every day, serve others and bring the joy. That is time that won’t be wasted.
Work hard. Talents are to be honed and shared. Give back with the tools God has given you.

his polo | his shorts | flip flops | hat | her sweater | her jeans
Snapping these photos of these two was so much fun. They both have such laid back, positive personalities and I love watching them together. And anyone who knows us, knows my husband likes to steer clear of the mall. Nordstrom is the only store his likes because it’s so easy. He loves the way these polos fit and is always a fan of the performance shorts. These are his other favorite choice for hybrid shorts.
If you are looking for a good gift for your man, you honestly can’t go wrong with Rainbow flip flops. They last FOREVER and get more comfortable over time. My daughter’s jeans are the ones I love so much. They look darling with these flip flops. And the sweater. Well, I bought one for myself, too. Sooooo good for summer evenings at the beach.

Life will be challenging. And that’s ok. These challenges are what make you stronger, and you are already stronger and wiser than you think. Dig deep and life will unravel as it should.
Be confident in your intelligence, beauty and free-spirit. God has richly blessed you and I could not be more proud.

Be nice to your brother. One day he will be much bigger than you, and he is one awesome human to have on your side.
Hang out with people that respect and appreciate you for who you are. If you start to question who you are and your worth, find new friends.
Don’t lie. Especially to yourself, but don’t lie, period.

Pray. Excercise your faith and know that God hears you. You are never alone.

Always be you. Don’t try to be who you think someone else wants you to be. It never works when you aren’t authentically you.

Never be afraid to come to us with anything, we may not be happy for a time, but that time will be brief and we will get through it together.
There is literally nothing you could ever do to to make Mommy or me stop loving you. Nothing.

his polo | his shorts | flip flops | hat | her sweater | her jeans
Thank you to my husband for helping to write today’s post. Riley, we love you more than words can express. Just promise us one thing. You’ll be kind to us in your teen years (we can hope, right?!).
*Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. Affiliate links used.
Very heartfelt to read. Your hubby has some amazing advice and sounds like a very special person. You are truly blessed. Sending the very best birthday wishes for your daughter’s 13th!!! Such a special birthday.
Thank you for the birthday wishes for her. I just can’t believe she will be 13. And my husband will appreciate the shout out. xo
I loved this. You and I are in the same place in life…my daughter will turn 13 this summer and my son is 11. I am feeling all the same things you are… and my husband would write pretty much the same thing as your husband. I appreciate this blog – thank you for sharing. Praying and declaring wisdom and discernment for our teen girls in the coming years.
Sorry we haven’t had the chance to know Ryan, and you for that matter. Life and distance has gotten in the way, not sure if that is a good excuse though. Happy birthday to Riley, she is absolutely beautiful!! You both are wonderful parents and are very blessed! Treasure each day…. we love you! Aunt Linda
So beautiful and authentic, these words of wisdom will guide her throughout her entire life. What a good dad!
What wonderful pieces of advice. Wise words, heartfelt, so special and filled with love. Such a sweet bond they share. I can’t believe R is turning 13!! I remember when I started following your blog and she was so little. I remember a cute picture of her wearing a darling little dress and a big bow in her hair. She is a beautiful girl Courtney (your mini you) and seems very sweet, kind and compassionate. You and R are amazing parents.
This is such a beautiful post. The words of wisdom he has shared with her will be with her forever, as a teen , young adult and so on. I believe you’ll of course have a few ups and downs in her teen years but for the most part you’ll enjoy her not only as your daughter but as a dear and treasured friend too! 💕
Oh and I almost forgot to wish a very happy birthday to Riley! 🎉
A very sweet post! Teenage years are great (at least so far, she’s 15). Honestly. It is just different. 🙂 Enjoy the milestone!
Oh my, that was so beautiful! I wish I knew Ryan. You have a gem! Many blessings to Riley as she becomes a teenager. Happy birthday!❤️ Nancy
I only got to number 3 before I was tearing up! My little girl is 3… I can’t begin to imagine how fast the next 10 years will go when she’s a teenager too! Happy birthday wishes to your beautiful girl! And congrats to you on marrying a guy that is clearly such a wonder father. I love reading your blog each day and getting little gems like this. 🙂
Hi Courtney,
Happy Birthday to Riley🎉🎂🎉🎊🎂.
Beautiful and will written by your hubby.
( if it’s ok can I reprint and frame ? )
So beautifully written. What a gift you all are to each other, and you just shared that gift with us. Happy Birthday, Riley!
Aunt Thea
What an amazing husband you have! Loved this! Obviously your kids have great parents so I wouldn’t worry that much about the teenage years. For me the have been waaay easier and so much more fun (11, 15 &17)
This made me tear up – such a beautiful post and advices for your daughter. You are truly blessed to have such a good and loving relationship with your kids.
WOW! So sweet. Dads and daughters are special!
So sweet! I loved reading this. They look so much alike and have such a special bond 🙂 I’m sure Riley will be a sweet teenager! Maybe not without some hardship, but I know she’s going to grow up into a wonderful young lady because you’re her mama!
Love this more than I can say! Such a beautiful family that you and your husband have created, cherished and protected. Love! ❤️❤️
Happy 13th birthday to your daughter. Amazing advises. Especially the elevens about being yourself. I always tell my 12 year old son this.
Happy birthday to my sweet teenage granddaughter. I am so happy that you have a strong bond with your father; my dad and I were always very close and I’ll never regret the time I spent with him learning and listening to his wisdom. I love you both! Grandma Sue
I’m blown away by this post. Your daughter is blessed beyond measure to have a Dad that loves her in that way and would take the time to write such a lovely message for her. This is timeless advice that she’ll treasure always. I would have given anything to have a Dad like that. You married a good one!!
Happy 13th birthday to your beautiful girl – what a beautiful post and a very special bond x
Great post! Erin wanted to show me this. Loved reading that. Thank Ryan for sharing . Hope to see you all soon. Love you Matt
This is the most wonderful thing I have ever read. Your family is so special and your blog is so special.
You have so many interesting, inspiring, and varied posts. Please don’t stop blogging–you are inspiring so many women (and kids) out there.
And this post….just wow.
Happy birthday dear Riley you know we love you. And Ryan I’ve never been prouder that you’re my godson and I sure hope we had some input into your great wisdom. Aunt Mary
This is just the sweetest. This is a special gift that she will always treasure. Happy birthday to Riley!
My son is turning 13 soon, too, and becoming such an amazing human. This is such a great stage for both parents and children.
I cherish how he wants her to trust God and how God will lead her
I’m french, so excuse me for my bad english.
My daughter will turn 13 in august and your post made me cry. What nice and wonderful advice ! That’s exactly what I want to convey to my daughter too.
I read your blog every day for several years, it’s very inspiring for me.
Thank you very much !
There is power in simplicity. Well said dad! <3 we can only hope we raise good people who do the right thing, right??
Happy 13th birthday to your beautiful daughter! She has the most genuine smile! Your husband has given the most amazing advice ~ it’s actually perfect advice for anyone at ANY age! 🙂 I hope she has a wonderful birthday celebration!
This list is appropriate for any age! I’m a retired widow, learning to live life on my own. Most of these are things I’ve been working on. Thank you for sharing!
Love it! Those are wise words we all need to live by. Very sweet 🙂
Whew! That was so good! I always say , Good Dad’s can change the world!