Good morning! I had good intentions of sharing more content this week, but the stacks of boxes wiped us out. The exhaustion is catching up with me, that’s for sure. We’ve made wonderful progress and I even found someone in the neighborhood who is moving and can reuse all of our packing supplies. Makes me so happy to know they can help someone. We have unpacked most of our things and now it’s the fun part. Deciding where everything goes and getting it organized. My daughter and I had so much fun styling the music room shelves so I will share that next week. Today I wanted to remind my collagen girls that there is a huge sale going on. It does wrap up today so it’s a good idea to jump on it.

I order two bottles of collagen each month and I know many of you do, too. I actually buy “Life” each month. Right now when you buy a 2 ct, you not only receive $10 off ($20 off if you are a new customer), but they will also send you a Trim travel pack for free! It usually costs $60. This is awesome if you already take Trim (it’s so nice to continue the routine when you are away from home). But it’s also a fantastic opportunity if you just want to try Trim for free. Today is the day.
I LOVE hearing from all of you and this comment made my day:
“I’ve been using this for almost 2 weeks. Taste great! Little like grape juice used for communion!
My hair used to shed like crazy for the past 5 or so years. Literally just a few strands when I comb my hair in the morning! I’m sold! changed the one time order to autoship x2 bottles per month!
Thank you for this great nugget!” – Angie
Speaking of Smart Ship girls, if you do this as a one time order, you will receive the free Trim packets. Free is always good. This link should automatically give you the discount, but if not, use my code: COURTNEY.

I’ve noticed the same thing with my own hair. It doesn’t shed like it used to, growth at my hair line, and it feels thicker. I also notice a huge difference with my skin and my nails grow like crazy. I didn’t take the collagen for a couple weeks while we were moving (waiting for my shipment to arrive) and I could tell how much better I like my skin when I take it everyday. If you are wanting to know more, I answer quite a few questions in this post.
If you are a new customer, be patient. I hear from most of you that it took about two months to see a change and consistency is key.
I also am wondering if liquid collagen really is why my ankle has felt so much better. Like I said above, I didn’t have it with me throughout the move, and am struggling again. It will be interesting to see if I see improvement now that my collagen has arrived to our new address.
Enjoy your Friday. One of my daughter’s friends from back home happens to be driving through town so we are really fortunate to get to see them today. She is over the moon.
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