Halloween is just a couple of days away and if you are anything like me you are just getting your act together. I stumbled upon such beautiful inspiration and had to share. While some ideas may talk longer than others, they are ideas you can easily adapt to your own time frame or budget.

Have you heard of Sugar and Charm? I literally gasped when I saw this. To be honest, I am filing this away for Thanksgiving (minus the hand, of course). But what a GORGEOUS charcuterie tray. I especially love the use of the white pumpkins and dark berries. All ideas you can use.

Adults coming over? Try this iced coffee idea. Sounds so delicious. And what a darling presentation.

Still need to add a bit of decor for the big night? Get the kids involved and have them trace and cut bats. We have done that in the past. You can string them together for a banner like this. The BOO letters are darling. Party city is a good spot to grab those inflatable letters.

We made these last year but on a smaller scale. We put them in small plastic cups. Not difficult to make and you can find those print outs in the link above.

Jessie made these cookies from scratch but you can buy them and decorate away. Remember good ole’ Whoppers candy? That is the body of the spider. Genius. Fun for the kids to help, too.

We are very last minute over here. Hung these last night. I found them at Walmart for $2. They had black hair hanging from them and my daughter cut all of that off for me. A little fishing line and your outdoors is ready to go for trick or treaters. You can grab a set of hats off of Prime and they should still arrive before the first little one knocks on the door.

cinnamon apple cider margarita
Are you hosting adults? These Cinnamon Apple Cider Margaritas do not disappoint. In fact, I can’t wait to make them for an upcoming holiday party we are hosting. They are so delicious.

As my children get older, they are enjoying hanging out with their friends instead of trick or treating. Never thought that day would come. It’s so odd to think their trick or treating days are behind them. But it’s also really fun to now stay home and answer the door as well as get creative with my own children. My daughter and her friends love playing games and this is a really creative option for all of the Scattegories fans out there.
Hope this gives you a bit of inspiration to bring the festive this week. It’s never too late. We are always last minute with Halloween and I so appreciate all of the creative minds that come up with these ideas.
How fun is that scattergories game?
And I have sung my praises of those Apple Cider Margaritas over and over 🙂
My daughter has been making homemade decorations to hang all over the house. We’ve never been so festive! And she is so proud of her creations. Happy Halloween!