It’s here! The biggest sale of the year. If you are already a Mōdere fan, now is the time to stock up so you can save. Or maybe even try new products. Sharing what I ordered down below. If you have been flirting with trying liquid collagen, this is the time. You can save up to 30% plus an extra $10 off with my code (COURTNEY).

This is a big once a year Mōdere sale but I know that with the different options, it can be really overwhelming. Here are a few things to think about when shopping the sale.
- Sale starts November 17th at 6pm MT, 8pm EST
- The discount works when you buy certain bundles (versus individual products)
- If you spend $99, you get a free bottle of Carb blocker. Spend $199 or more, get a free TRIM travel pack
- If you are a liquid collagen fan the Liquid Biocell Collection is $80 off. That’s a major savings! I’m adding that to my cart because my husband and I both take it.
If you are a new customer, you will receive an extra $10 off the sale prices. (code: COURTNEY) Just remember consistency is key. If you sign up for SmartShip, you receive your products automatically each month and earn credits (credits bring the price down). That is what I do so I don’t have to worry about running out. Plus consistency leads to better results. Here are a couple of the packages I think you would be interested in.

A great savings on the Trim duo. We each take 1 Tbsp a day. I love the chocolate. I’ve heard the blackberry is so-so but when I’m saving money, I’ll forfeit the yummy chocolate for a month 😉

This collection will sell out. It’s a variety pack but they all produce the benefits you want. We stop producing collagen in our 20s. And 30% off is awesome! While I wish you could bundle 4 of your favorites, the savings here is really good.

I’ve been wanting to try these clean home products. I ordered them for the first time.

My friend, Shalice, raves about this Eye Makeup Remover so I am giving these clean products a try this month.
You can always reach out via direct message on Instagram if you have questions so I can get back to you quickly. I’ve also written an extensive Q & A which you may find helpful. For me, the biggest change has been hair growth. One of my dearest friends just visited and couldn’t believe the length of my hair ( I had just had it cut, too).
click to shop
Hope this was helpful and happy shopping!
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