Let’s do this, Monday! Feeling relaxed and thankful today. My kiddos start VBS which they look forward to each summer and my husband and I were able to get away for a couple of days over the weekend. We try and sneak away once a year to recharge and relax. And because life has been stressful as of late, it came at a really great time. We capped off the special weekend with a celebration of my parents 50 years together. It was a weekend to remember that is for sure. Here is our Monday Morning Wrap-Up.
We left crazy early Friday morning. When the alarm went off at 5:00 am I was defintitely thinking we did this all wrong. Who on Earth likes to get up that early for a vacation? Well since my husband gets up at that time every day it was no big deal for him. This mama is not a morning gal so it was brutal. But as per usual I wore my travel uniform. Try as I might to switch it up, I always come back to this outfit. And in case you missed it, I chatted about more of my favorite travel pieces in Saturday Shopping.
Travel Uniform
And not only do I travel with that striped bag but it was my pool bag every day, too. It’s a keeper.
And this man, as per usual, was spot on with the early flight. That meant we were settled into Las Vegas by breakfast and that was a great way to kick off the weekend. Not a day goes by that I don’t realize how lucky I am to have my best friend by my side. So much love and respect for this man. And because our Anniversary falls in July, we always are able to celebrate when we getaway.
We are not gamblers and for us the draw to Vegas is a short flight, pretty hotels, and lots of pool time. When you only have a couple of days to getaway it’s a great place to go because it’s just so fun and relaxing. This particular cover-up is sold out but I have linked other embroidered ones below. And this is the blouse version. Just a fun way to add some color and interest to the cover-up. Remember how my flip flops broke so I ran to Target right before our trip. Loved this sparkly ones. They were really comfy to wear to the pool each day.
Embroidered Cover Ups
And the biggest blessing of all is knowing that your kiddos are in good hands when you are gone. Otherwise there is now way you can relax. And we know it takes a village. Thanks to our sweet neighbors, these little entrepreneurs mades some serious money and learned a huge lesson in business. Location, location, location! Love all of these kids as my own (well of course, some are my own!).
And we flew home just in time to celebrate my parents. While their official 50th anniversary was in June, we waited until all of our family members were in town and my dad put together the most gorgeous of parties. He is beyond thoughtful and gifted my sister and me with these beautiful flower arrangements. The night was full of story telling, memories, laughter and together time as a family. Our tribe has been through many ups and downs and these are the moments where you look around the room and feel so very blessed to be on this journey together. Thank you, Mom & Dad, for setting the most amazing example and for such a special night.
One of my favorite moments was spotting the grandkids out on the patio giggling and sipping on their Shirley Temples. Good times.
I hope you all had a nice weekend. While ours was pretty jam packed I know next weekend promises to be much quieter and more about packing boxes. Enjoy the day, my friends.
I love that bathing suit cover up! Too cute!
What an awesome weekend – so special and important to get away as a couple x
Dream getaway! You just can’t go wrong with Vegas! Sounds like a jam packed weekend indeed!
Looks like a fun weekend for everyone! Congrats to your parents on 50 years!