Monday! Already?! How the heck did that happen? Besides a fun night out, we really didn’t do a whole lot of anything and it was glorious. We needed some down time. While we love to be adventurous we also crave quiet time with the family and it felt good to get some of that over the last two days. I hope you enjoyed your weekend, too. Here is our Monday Morning Wrap-Up.
Not the best iPhone photo, but while my daughter was at a birthday party, I surprised her and started hanging her gallery wall. She is such a creative spirit and combining her love of music and art on one wall just fits her perfectly. She was really excited when she came home and says it feels so much cozier with things on the walls.
jeans | white t-shirt | jacket | bracelet | handbag | booties
So when you head to a concert and you and your friend show up looking like twins! I couldn’t believe it when we met up with each other. Even down to the color of the booties.
We went to the Dave Matthews Band concert on Saturday and it really was the best time. We have been fans for years and it was especially poignant for me as it fell on a tender day for us. I lost my brother five years ago on the very same day. The last concert I saw with my brother was Dave Matthews and so it was even more special when the encore song was, “Sister.” It’s like Tim was there with me.
Whether they were dreams or worries
You were there with me
Sister, I hear you laugh
My heart fills full up
Keep me please
Sister, when you cry
I feel your tears running down my face
Sister, Sister keep me
Safe to say I was crying throughout the entire song but it really did feel like my brother had Dave sing that song for me. At least that is what I like to believe.
This blue blouse is available again in a couple of sizes. I am wearing a small.
Do you remember this gingham pumpkin I made last year? Well it’s that time again and my wheels are spinning for this months’ Michael’s Makers project. Can’t wait to show you on Thursday.
And if you are headed to New York Fashion Week, Rebecca is a fantastic photographer and is booking appointments now. She is awesome to work with. I will just be enjoying the photos as NYFW is a bit out of this girl’s comfort zone. Details of one of my all time favorite dresses here.
My friend Jenna posted this on her Instagram today and it struck a chord. On so many levels. Loss and trials over the years have taught me a myriad of lessons. One of them being this. No matter how much you want to compare yourself to others or analyze your perceived downfalls, you are enough. You are enough just as you are. This is something I am striving each day to teach my children.
Let’s build someone up today. Share a compliment. Tell someone you love them. Go out of your way to consider someone else’s feelings or perspective. And above all else, let’s be kind to ourselves. Not always easy but so very important.
Wishing you a really good Monday. xo
Courtney, first off, love your daughter’s gallery wall! It really does make you feel settled and at home to have your walls decorated with your favorite things.
Secondly I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for the loss of your brother. I’ve prayed for you all over the years. I’m glad you had such a special night.
As always, I love reading your blog. Keep up the good work.
Oh my goodness. Thank you so very much. That is the kindest thing and I know that my family appreciates each and every prayer. I know everyone experiences loss over the years and I can attest to the fact that the kindness of others makes the path so much easier.
Thank you for your support and for continuing to follow along with our adventures. Have a fantastic week.
what a great thought, that song. how special!
It really did feel like such a moment. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy the rest of your Monday.
I appreciate the positivity you put out there, especially after the hard times. Isn’t it funny how a song moves the memory?
Thank you. I appreciate that so much. And it’s astounding how a song can really stir up so many emotions. I grew up listening to musing with my dad and so many songs now remind me of him and those Saturday mornings doing chores with music blaring!! xo
Your thoughts about your brother and the words to that song gave me chills! Yes– he had them play it for you. Love your thought at the end of your post too. Thanks for starting the week off on the right note! You are a class act, Courtney!
Ah, thank you so much, Julie. What a kind thing to say. I do believe with all of my heart Tim had everything to do with that song being played. I hope you’ve had a really great start to your week. xo
I lost my son to cancer. My daughter was 13 and he was 17. As much as it hurts me I can see the pain in my daughters eyes. Like you, we celebrate him. Sometimes , just when we need it “his” song will come on. I honestly believe that it’s from him. My daughter and I both believe that. I also believe that your brother had them play that song for you! I’m sorry for your loss. Someday, you will all be together again. One fine day.
Have a wonderful week.
One fine day. I love that. Cathy, I am so very very sorry for the loss of your son. I look at how losing a child has affected my parents and it has been very difficult. So special when those little moments happen that allow us to not only feel our loved ones but know that they truly are always with us and pain free. Thank you for taking a moment to comment and share with me.
Wishing you a wonderful week.
Riley I know was touched by you hanging her gallery wall while she was at the party. Sometimes all it takes it a few personal things from a previous home to make a new home just right!
My thoughts and prayers were with you over the weekend. I truly believe it all fell into place for a reason. Or as we like to say around here, “that was a God thing!” What a special moment.
And I am really trying to remember just that, I am enough. There are many days, doubt creeps in, but then I have to realize that it’s satan just trying to take a hold of me. God’s bigger than that!!
Ahhh. I love that. It’s a God thing! So true. I kept looking around that arena just wishing he were there. It is an odd feeling to have. But when that song started to play I knew he was there. Love you, girl. And you are right. It was really sweet how much the artwork and some other things I did meant to R. Hope you’re day has been a good one. I, too, am trying to remember I am enough. Always. Just now always easy. xo
I love that top so much!
Thanks so much, Erin. It’s a favorite of mine, too. Love the color. Enjoy the afternoon.
So happy to have just found your blog. I am in total agreement, let’s all smile a little more at each other, pay someone a compliment, you never know when it could really make someone’s day. Love that you turned up in near identical clothes to your friend, and great outfits they were too. Hard to beat jeans and a white tee.
Well I am so happy you found my blog, too! Welcome. I agree. You just never know when someone needs a pick me up, right?! We have all been there. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Hope it’s been a great Monday.
Such a great post my friend!!! Sending love and Hugs your way and you are most definitely enough!! I might need to print this up and put it on my desk at work – such a great daily reminder. And to be good to each other. Thank you for always adding a bit of happiness at the end of the day!!
DMB is my fav band and that is my fav song of his. So moving. Sending big hugs your way, love your blog!
So sorry to hear about your brother!! Sounds like the concert was very bittersweet.
Thanks for the heads up on the bralette price match sale! I ordered a yellow and brown one for fall:) I am wearing one now too, they are officially my favorite! Thanks again,
The hubby and I are huge DMB fans. And I don’t believe that it was coincidence that Sister was the song that was played. I’m sure your brother was shining down on that concert just for you.
Keep up the great work on your blog. With my two old kids close in age to your two, I always feel a connection to what you write. You are very relatable and your caring spirit comes through in your posts. And? I love the gallery wall you put up!