Good morning! How are you? How was your weekend. We are running on fumes and could use a magical dose of energy. We are still moving and I know one thing is for sure. I will never be writing a blog post on the best tips for moving. I think we have managed to do it all wrong but there are plenty of lessons in that, too. I do know that what is keeping us going are the friendships and kindness of others. Here’s a little bit of what’s been going on around here with our Monday Morning Wrap-Up.
Moving day! But to be honest that’s not true. It’s been moving weeks. We did have the big truck with all of the big items happen this weekend. I have that personality where I can’t even watch. It makes me so crazy nervous to see strong men struggling with huge pieces of furniture up and down staircases. I think I aged five years. But we are making progress. I think we under estimated how much stuff we have after ten years of living in a home. That is mistake number one of a long long list. Very grateful to have beds made in the new house and a functioning kitchen. Really all we need!
My husband tackled adding epoxy to our garage floor. I seriously have to hand it to him. He wanted to DIY this because it is so expensive to have done but he worked tirelessly before work each day for 5-6 days. Not sure he would ever do it again (like most of our big DIY projects) but he nailed it and it looks awesome. Will share some of his tips and things he wished he had known in a future post. Before we started unloading boxes in here my daughter was using this as her dance studio. I would go out there and she had classical music playing while doing ballet. Such a cute memory of the move-in weekend.
As I mentioned, we do all have beds. We ended up getting a new one because the measurements of the room worked much better with a kind size bed (we have always had a queen). I searched and searched and ended up going with this wingback one. We love it. It’s a charcoal gray with a hint of blue.
And a huge highlight of our weekend was the way it wrapped up. My sweet friend Elizabeth (from Pretty Smitten) invited us over for dinner last night. It was just what we needed after such a tiring weekend. And it made us shower and actually look in a mirror so that was an upside, too! She handed me this delicious cocktail when I walked in. Love.
And how yummy does this look? Not only is her home just beautiful, but she is a fantastic cook and spoiled all of us. It was fun to see the children play and it gave us a chance to hang out and catch up. Very thankful for their kindness.
And on that note, one of my favorite parts of blogging has been the true and genuine friendships that have grown from it all. Carmel is another friend I met via this crazy online world. She is someone I admire and respect immensely and when she and her hubby were in town last week we were able to connect for a double date. Seriously fun! We talked for hours over dinner and I just wish they lived closer. If you don’t already read Our Fifth House you are missing out. Carmel is so talented and has the biggest heart.
And now it is backing to moving out of our house. Today I am moving our clothes. It’s safe to say I have been wearing the same thing for the last few days and I am ready to have some options. LOL. And because there is no magic wand to finish our move I best double down on the coffee and get moving. Literally.
Hope it’s a great start to your week!
You are doing awesome! Moving is so hard. I moved 8 weeks ago and like you, I would not be able to help others with good moving tips. I had a massive tooth infection and had to have two teeth pulled just a couple weeks before moving. Plus I had exactly three days from when I could get into the new place until I had to be out of the old place! What a chore! But friends and relatives, plus three men and a truck that I hired for a day, stepped in and helped me finish packing and we got it done!
Now I’m planning a kitchen remodel. More excitement and mess but it will be a perfect house when I’m done.
I look forward to reading more about your new home! I love what you did to the house you’re moving out of so I’m sure your brain is full of wonderful ideas for the new place.
No matter how much you plan, moving tends to always have issues!! Hang in there. And, I am soooo jealous you got to hang out with Carmel. She is such a gem.
One thing I truly appreciate about your blog (aside from the eye candy) is that you keep it real! We started building a new home in the spring, closed on our beloved old house in May, and have one month left in our apartment before moving AGAIN! I’m dreading it, but excited to finally be settled. Because I knew that half our stuff would be in storage while living in the apartment, and we’d be moving twice, I went through the whole house and donated/threw away probably 30% of our belongings. It’s amazing how many “things” you hold onto that you don’t need, want, or even remember that you had! Anyway, good luck with the rest of your move. When I feel stressed about it, I envision being fully settled by the holidays and enjoying Christmas in our new home. And deep breaths… 😉
P.S. Looking forward to your post on epoxying the garage floor. This is one task we’ll be taking on ourselves to save money.
Garage floor look great, Ryan!
Hi Courtney! I’m totally in love with your bed selection! But, what on earth is Eastern King?! Is that a normal king sized bed as we all know it?! I know California king is longer…but not sure about Eastern King?
I like reading about the new house!