Recently I was in Austin for a weekend with a dear friend of mine. While away, my hubby pulled off the single parenting duties without a hitch. They went on their longest bike ride to date and even planned a welcome home party for me {something to keep them busy, I am sure!} My five year old daughter is quite the creative one and spends the majority of her time drawing and painting. She likes to design outfits and hangs drawings of them all over her room. This is what we are used to seeing around here:
But while I was in Austin, my husband said that she was busy in her room for quite some time. She finally appeared bounding down the steps to announce she had made her first mood board! Oh, boy!!!! The funny thing is that I didn’t even know she had ever heard that term before. I don’t exactly chat it up with her about client mood boards! So here it is . . . I have it up on my memo board and it makes me smile each time I see it.
It is a great reminder of not only how creative my daughter is, but about how much these little minds soak up and take in all of the time. Children have an innate desire to follow in our footsteps. It makes me really work hard to examine the type of example I set. And I must say, the girl’s got an eye. I happen to love every space she put on her board! Thanks for letting me share a precious mommy moment. Have a great day.
So adorable! Like mother like daughter – great job 🙂
What a sweet story! I am so glad you shared this. You are right, they soak up everything and we need to lead by example. Not always easy, but always worth the effort.
That is adorable. They seem to be paying attention even when we think they're not. What a creative little girl you have!
Wow! What a fantastic mood board!! Can she decorate my place? Lol! … Definitely a 'chip off the old block'!! … Congratulations on your first mood board sweetie! You've done a FANTASTIC job!!!
Oh my goodness. How special does it make you feel that she wants to be just like mommy?! So adorable!
This is about the sweetest post ever! Your daughter seems so sweet and obviously very talented!
That makes for a GREAT mommy moment! Isn't it amazing to see their little minds in action? She sounds so much like my daughter. Always drawing, designing clothes, creating…guess she gets it from her mommy, too. Fun to see how our children emulate…and yes, hopefully all of our best qualities. It certainly does put a check on our actions and attitudes!
Your daughter did a great job. Gets 5 Stars from me! 🙂
That is so precious!!! For most designers the passion starts in childhood-you probably have the next Phoebe Howard on your hands!!
So sweet! And, she is sooo creative!
I love that! Last week my 8 year old daughter asked me if she could help me make a mood board featuring puppies for a girls room. So we made one together and I posted about on the weekend. She also loves Pinterest and has a board of her own on my account. When she's checking things out with me and sees something she likes, she pins it!
How awesome is that? She definitely has an "eye" and creative side. I love her drawings too.
oh my, that must've melted your heart. She does have a great eye! That quatrefoil mirror is fab! Can she tell me where I can get it? 😉 I love when my daughter picks up on the things that I do also. It really is important what we expose our children too 🙂
I am not surprised at all that your daughter has the design bug!! She has to be constantly inspired with having a mama like you! And what a talented little artist! So sweet Court!
Oh my goodness this is the sweetest thing Courtney! 🙂
That is the cutest thing ever! She is so precious!
That is so very touching and darling…isn't it nice when they pick up on the positive traits we have?? (c: Such a proud moment for mama (c:
That is very sweet! And she is quite the little artist.
Your daughter certainly has the creative gene! Whether she grows up to be a fashion designer or an interior designer you will be surrounded by gorgeous things. 🙂
Oh my goodness, that is so adorable! You've got a little designer in the making, Courtney! I think kids are like little sponges and soak up everything. So cute! She's following in her beautiful mother's footsteps.
OH my…sweet Riley. A girl after my own heart 🙂 I can't wait to meet her soon. What an eye! She definitely got it from her mama.
That is seriously precious! She must really look up to you Courtney. You are a wonderful mom!
Love this! Her board is great – she's definitely got an eye!
That is awesome! It IS amazing what children pick up when we don't even think they're listening. She's a great clothing designer too!
That is awesome, C!!! I see my kids starting to do some of the stuff they see me at all the time. My son rearranged his room and about split his pants he was so excited to show me. (I was a little sad since I loved his room how I had it!) 🙂
R and her little twin, S, would be great drawing buddies. S goes through stacks of paper with her masterpieces!
Goodness, that is precious! Isn't it amazing how much children observe without us even realizing. I'm sure you're proud of her good taste! 😉
So sweet! As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! 🙂
That is the cutest thing.
This is the sweetest thing ever…and I love all the original artwork, too…be cute framed.
I am so in love with this post, Court!! You are such a good mama!! And have such a cute little mini-me in Riley. Precious!! xoxoxo C
Fantastic! I love her "Mood Board"! It is amazing what these little people are absorbing and paying attention to, they never cease to amaze us! 🙂