The older I get, the more I realize that a key to feeling young is trying new things. Pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones. Taking risks. Risking failure. Finding out something new about ourselves. It’s not always easy and that’s what makes it even more powerful when we do it. This month Michaels asked us to try something new. I love the notion of discovering something that brings us joy. I decided it would be even more fun if it was something I could do with my daughter. We used a simple flower crown kit and in doing so, my daughter found more delight in giving than receiving so it was a win win in my book. Here’s how it unfolded.
Not sure if you are familiar with how many kits Michaels has, but there is something in almost every category. While I had created a flower crown at the Michaels Makers’ Summit, Riley had not and I knew it was right up her alley.
She was able to tackle this on her own but I enjoyed the process with her. She is a really creative spirit and while making these told me how fun it was. We both talked about how creating something from nothing with your own two hands is really powerful. And what a great way to spend an afternoon versus screen time or the much dreaded, “I’m bored” syndrome.
This particular craft was simple and yet still so fun to create. She decided she wanted to make one to go around her lampshade in her room (ever the decorator) and one for our little neighbor. I actually was so proud when she wanted to spend time making something for someone else. What was even more powerful is how happy she was when she came back from delivering her handmade crown to our neighbor (who is just about four)!
She delivered it on her bike (please don’t worry. . .she wore her helmet but I asked if I could snap her picture first) and came back glowing. She saw how happy the crown made our 4 year old neighbor and she was so excited. A very inexpensive craft kit turned out to be a pretty valuable lesson. She rode up to our front porch and exclaimed, “That was so much fun!” And it’s true. Making someone else smile and feel like a beautiful princess was a great feeling.
Next up is the Volcano Kit. Both kids are so excited. Our son just completed a unit about volcanoes and we often try to further the lesson at home with something that relates. I’ll snap a photo once we create this. No one in the family wanted to miss this so we will be doing it together this week.
Are you up for trying something new? Maybe a craft kit? Or letting your kiddos try something new. Michaels offers free classes in their stores. You can try out a new craft skill for just the cost of supplies. My daughter has been begging me to let her try an art class so that may be next on our list.
Listen, part of what makes children so wide eyed and youthful is their desire to learn and try new things. I guess we can all take a lesson from that. Deciding what to try next!
See what the other Michaels Makers tried this month below.
Brings back memories from our wedding! I wore a crown of pink those buds as my headpiece!
Aunt Mary