Not quite the Monday Morning Wrap Up post I usually write. This mama is down for the count. And I have been since Friday. And I am super confused because I had always heard mommies aren’t allowed to get sick. Didn’t someone say that? I think someone lied.
My thoughts on this year’s flu season.
- It sucks.
- It’s real.
- I’m over it.
Now that I have the pity party out of the way, I must say this flu season has hit our family hard. We can’t remember a year where we all got hit. Now it’s my turn. Very thankful my husband was in town to handle the myriad of activities the children had this weekend. From a field trip to the Mission San Juan Capistrano to play practice and baseball, he had to bring it and he did. Thank you, honey. It’s never easy to be completely out of commission and I am very much looking forward to kicking this flu to the curb. If you need me, I will be buried under the covers to combat the chills. And yes, I have my hands over my head so that I don’t see the laundry piles. There’s that.
Hope your Monday is far more productive and off to a great start! Stay healthy!
Courtney, I am so sorry to hear this! I agree- moms shouldn’t get sick! I can totally relate. Our entire family had the flu about a month ago and from start to finish it took 11 days to move through our house. Someone would get it then everyone would be fine for a couple days and we thought we were in the clear โ woo hoo! – & then someone else will come down with it. Of course I would be the last to get it. I was in such denial at first, too. Hope you feel better very soon!
Thank you, Kristina. So sorry your family was hit with it, too. Boy. It’s no joke this year. Just wishing I had jumped on the Tamiflu wagon.
Thanks for the well wishes. Stay healthy! xo
Make sure you LYSOL everything! It went through our family and I was down for the count for 10 days. I never get sick and this thing was awful. LYSOL LYSOL LYSOL every surface of your home as it tends to live on surfaces, door knobs, etc Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks to you I have been sparying everything in sight anytime I get up. Ughhhh! This is for the birds. And thank you for the email later! Good point with the electronics. xoxo
Oh Courtney…so sorry you are plagued by the flu! I have seen that most people have a solid 4-5 days of being pretty symptomatic (fever, aches, cough, etc)..I hope you are feeling better soon. I have only had the flu once….and it was miserable, hugs!!
Thank you, Cynthia. Ugh. It really is miserable. I kept hearing how bad it was this year. Now I get it. LOL. Pretty ready for it to be gone. Stay healthy and thank you for taking the time to leave such a nice comment. Have a good week.
Oh goodness! I was hoping flu season was over! So sorry you are feeling bad. Did you not get tamiflu?
Thank you, Tina. No. Unfortunately, it is alive and not so well over here. I wish I had done Tamiflu but I waited too long. Big mistake!!!
Feeling the same way all weekend, hope you are better soon.
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. Truly. Know you’re not alone. I hope you feel better soon. xo
Oh no, Courtney! Wish I were there to help. I got the flu shot so I would be safe – if I only I didn’t live cross country!
Grandma Sue
Thanks, Sue. Hoping it goes away very soon!!!! Ryan was smart and did Tamiflu!
Oh no! Feel better soon!!
Thank you so much, Kathy. xo
Feel better soon lovely x
Thank you so much, Caley! Hope you’re off to a lovely week.
So sorry Court! My oldest got it right before Thanksgiving. Started taking Tamiflu the next day. Worked like a charm. Her physician and many have said that ONCE AGAIN, the strain out is NOT the same as the one the vaccine was for. My youngest had to get the flu shot for the first time in AGES (she has an egg sensitivity and they finally came out with an egg free version), as she is now working in the hospitals and nursing homes. Every time we gave them the shot when younger they got terribly sick (now we know). It has hit hard here, and late!! Everyone is saying that sickness (flu, tummy, fever, pink eye) has been rampant this year. I believe some of it has to due with the crazy weather patterns this year!!!
This might be a good time to “teach” Riley how to do laundry ๐ Gotta learn sometime.
Praying you get to feeling better. It just takes so much out of you! And, I am sure the time change didn’t help.
Girl! So bummed I didn’t do Tamifu. I think because it hit on the weekend so I didn’t want to go to Urgent Care. Big mistake. R used it and his was gone quickly, too.
It really is brutal this year. LOVE the idea of teaching little Miss Riley some laundry skills. You are so right.
Hugs, friend.
So sorry you’re not feeling well at all. My friends and I would call it “mama down.” Feel better soon and I hope your family rallies to get you though it.
Oh mama is down. Mama down in a major way! LOL! Love it. My family is being great and thankful the children are so much more independent. They came home from school and quietly made their own snacks and did their homework. Made me cry happy tears.
Thanks for the well wishes, friend.
I have been thinking of you dear friend. So so sorry you got hit with a nasty flu! Praying for you and sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs your way. I would help you out in a heartbeat with anything you need if only I lived closer. Feel better real soon. xo
First off, let me say please do not feel the need to reply. I just wanted to take a moment to say I am sooo sorry–the flu is no fun!! Get well wishes and prayers sent your way! ????????????
Courtney, I’m so sorry that you and your family have been hit so hard. I hope that you are better soon.
We had very little flu here in Florida until a few weeks ago. I had skipped the flu shot which I generally get in the fall. I finally did get the shot two weeks ago. I never worry about the flu for myself thinking that I am healthy, but I don’t want to get the flu and give it to my elderly mom. But now I see from your experience that the flu is bad at any age.
Stay hydrated and try to eat what you can and feel better soon.
After tending to my sister in an out-of-state hospital for a week, I pick up the nastiest flu with a gross cough and days of high fevers. I drove many hours home super sick and quarantined myself so my children wouldn’t get ill. My kids just wanted hugs, so badly, almost as badly as my arms wanted to hold them, waving with a face mask from the hallway. After 5 days the fevers finally broke back and my coughing wasn’t as intense and I was left with the job of sanitizing everything in the house that I may have touched, boiling blankets all day. I was SO tired of being an adult.
But a week out, I’m okay! I’m reading bedtime stories, making lunches and barely coughing at all. I’m really grateful for the health I’ve got and I’m glad it’s over, but omgosh! knee deep in that mess, I swear, I could barely see out.
So hang in there, Mama. Moms do get sick and moms do get well. And the laundry goes on! Feel better soon, Doll.
I hope you feel better soon!! Love your blog and your style!
Courtney – So sorry you are so sick. I’ve heard this year’s flu is horrible. hope you get to feeling much better real soon, That’s no fun.
Yuck. We just finished spreading the flu love around our house. Feel better soon.
Hi. Sorry you are not feeling well. We used a natural medicine called oscillococcinum . We buy it a natural food store. You take a total of 6 doses and it works like a charm. My son and daughter both used it and started feeling better in a couple of days. The nice thing is you don’t need a prescription so you can have it on hand. Cost is about $17 dollars for 6 doses. Feel better soon. Jane
Ugh- so sorry to see you were sick! What a horrible season it as been for the flu! It’s been awful here in Tennessee as well. Hope you are on the mend now and can enjoy your weekend.