Good morning! Is anyone else’s head spinning from such a fast weekend? It might have been the quickest on record in quite some time. We spent quality time with friends and family and finally started our laundry room makeover!!! So excited to give you a sneak peek.
My husband and I snuck in a night out for my birthday and one of the spots we hit up was Sky Loft in Laguna Beach. If you are local it’s such great place to listen to live music. We loved every second of listening to Lauren Black. I wore my new little romper and it was perfect for a summer evening out.
We had some exciting things happening in our laundry room this weekend (shared much of it on Instastories) so we stuck around the house quite a bit. My daughter spent two different days making homemade play-doh. She finally got a recipe to work by adding much more flour than it called for. The first recipe was a complete flop. So my question is, do any of you have a tried and true recipe? We are saying good-bye to slime and hello to play-doh (which I much prefer) so any tips on a recipe that truly works the first time would be lovely. Must say that this little one is persistent.
My husband snapped this of these two playing Life. Just good old-fashioned weekend fun. This struck me as this past week marked our one year anniversary of moving into our home and this was the game they played the very first night we had the keys.
While food photography is not my thing . . . took a quick iPhone photo to show you one of our weekend go-to meals. We have been loving the Carne Asada from Trader Joes. My husband grills it and then we make simple tacos with corn tortillas, cilantro, tomatoes, queso, and lime. We serve with guacamole and black beans and everyone loves. Couldn’t be quicker or easier.
One of my favorite parts of summer is meeting friends and our community pool for a dinner potluck and swimming. The kids swim while the adults catch up. With three families we divide and conquer. We delegate the duties of bringing a salad, fruit or dessert and than just order up some pizzas. No one feels the pressure to entertain and the kids are so happy. Everyone goes home fed and tired. It’s a win for all. Oh, and you go home to a clean house. Even better!
This is what was happening in our home all weekend!!!! So so exciting. This is our laundry room and the tile turned out so well. I may or may not just stand at the door and stare. If you are local and need a fantastic tile guy, let me know. My husband is installing the baseboards this morning so we can get the laundry machine up and running again. You can see my plan in this post.
Just a heads up that this gray t-shirt and jean cut-offs are both back in stock in almost every size. My summer uniform. And if you’re looking for a great pair of white summer pants, these received wonderful reviews and are now marked down.
We wrapped the weekend by hosting friends last night and it was such a nice cap on the weekend.
So wish us luck as we continue making progress on the laundry room. I am debating whether or not to paint the cabinets. Hoping the decision hits me soon. What do you have on the agenda today? Whether you’re at work or working at home with the kiddos, I wish you a great beginning to the week. Let’s get this done, ladies.
Love the tile. I wish I would have chosen this tile when i made over my bathroom a few years ago. And I love the white cabinets just the way they are!
Hi Nicole. Thank you. I am actually thinking I like the white cabinets, too. May introduce darker elements somewhere else instead. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Have a great week.
Hi Courtney. This is the recipe I have used for years. For both my girls and when teaching preschool. It does require using the stove.
1 C. flour
1/4 C. salt
1 C. water
1 TBS oil
2 tsp cream of tartar
Stir over medium heat; add food coloring. Thickens as it stands. Store in airtight container.
It can be a little sticky at first when it’s still warm, but it lessens as it cools and after use. I love it because it’s not toxic and it keeps soft for a lot longer than traditional play doh.
You’re the best. Ok so that is what we used. Maybe we need to let it stand and not touch it for a while. We found it to be so soupy and had to add another cup of flour. Rookie mistake.
Love that she likes to make her own. We will give it another whirl. Thank you, Lauren.
Love the laundry room!! So fun to see the progress, great tile choice. Can you link to that wishbone necklace? I love it!
Can I ask where the ivory rug is from in the picture with your kids playing games? I think it would be perfect for my dining room!
Can you give any suggestions on what size to order in the “washed t-shirt”?
Is the wishbone necklace & bar necklace you have on with t-shirt & shorts still available?
Hi Courtney. We do something similar on our summer nights too. A group of families get together at our local beach (5 mins down the road) and bring a picnic dinner consisting of salad, fruit and hot dogs/hamburgers which we cook up on the beach bbqs. Easy dinners that the kids love, a refreshing dip in the water to cool off and a great chance to chat for the adults. After a couple of hours we go home with tired(sleepy) kids. A great night off for us all, especially the mums xx