Good morning from Tennessee. I know it’s been a minute. We managed to move across country and are all in one piece. I thought it might be possible to keep up with blogging during that time but it became very clear that multi-tasking is no longer my strong suit. It’s also been really wonderful to focus on the family as we assimilate into our new state. So far, so great. We love it here and are very grateful to be feeling welcomed and at home. I will do a blog post soon about the move. Until then, here is a bit of what we have been up to with your Monday Morning Wrap Up.

Home sweet home. While we may not have our belongings, we have each other and are making do with odds and ends. Our kind neighbor lent us a folding table so we can sit and eat dinner together. These are the moments we will remember and to be quite honest, I am in no hurry to unpack one million boxes. If you have ever moved, you know just how exhausting the process is so we are quite content with not seeing it all for a bit. And the kids are learning that you really need quite little to get by. That said, we will all really appreciate a soft place to sit once that truck shows up.

Our very first visitors happened to be our dear friends from California. It was such a gift to have them in town. They were here for their son’s baseball tournament but the timing could not have been more ideal. We have spent countless Fourth of July weekends together and it made our first one in Tennessee so memorable.

While we haven been keeping busy with all the new house things (swapping out outlets, toilets, etc.) it was such a joy to head out to lunch with my friend, Michelle. Moving our kids across the country has had us adulting pretty hard so a break was much needed. If you are local, Liberty Common is fantastic. Every design detail is spot on.

This combination is so beautiful. We both had the Liberty Chicken Sandwich and it was great. A little one on one time with a dear friend was just what I needed to hop back into the moving in game.

For the Fourth of July, we headed into Nashville for the night. My husband found the Noelle hotel and we all loved it. A great spot for walking to everything and darling inside. It was pretty nice to sleep on a real bed for a night!

The rooftop allowed us to meet up with our friends and enjoy the evening. I am so proud of these kids. They have shown their bravery and adventurous sides and we couldn’t be more proud. We know that moving will present plenty of growing pains, but they continue to smile and be in good spirits. We couldn’t ask for anything more.
Because the moving truck isn’t here, I only have about five outfits (whatever fit in my suitcase) so I ordered this dress from Amazon. Love the fit and feminine feel. It comes in a ton of different colors.

This sweet crew has been friends since birth. Pretty special to have had them here this weekend. We lost my beautiful mom on the Fourth of July two years ago. I’d like to think she was looking out for us and that our being together wasn’t an accident. So good for all of us. Listening to Brad Paisley and watching the spectacular firework show was a great first holiday here.

I promise to share more of the house and the updates we’ve made prior to moving in soon. We gave the home a fresh look with new paint and refinished wood floors. Every inspiration photo I saved had darker toned floors and am so excited we went with that. We made subtle changes to the staircase to make it better fit our traditional style (see the before here). I will be swapping out a major light fixture this week and you won’t be surprised at what I chose.
Thank you for your patience as we get settled here. I’m looking forward to jumping back into the swing of things and sharing content. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.
*Get caught up on why we moved in this post.
I’m looking forward to seeing your new house!
I’ve moved a few times myself and it is so stressful.
Best of luck to you and your family as you start this new chapter.
Courtney! Your new home is lovely. Can’t wait to see all the wonderful touches you all will add to it. God bless! Nancy xo
Hi Courtney!
My husband and I are retiring in about 18 months and we are currently looking to move to a Nashville suburb (from Michigan!). Would you mind sharing which suburb you chose, and if there were others you and your family considered?
Thanks, and I am so enjoying seeing your journey.
Special moments, and beautiful spaces my friend x