Morning. We are slowly but surely getting organized around here. If you saw my closet right now you would think twice about taking any tips from me, but I do feel like some of our drawers have taken on a new life and have stayed organized. Our secret weapon have been small clear containers. Sharing the ones we love as well as a budget friendly option I plan to try, too. Are you taking any time to organize your spaces with the kids back in school?

A dear friend of mine from California will know how big this is for me. We would always commiserate over our disorganization when it came to all things mail. Not sure why it’s been a weak point but when we renovated our kitchen, I set aside one drawer to help me with this. I didn’t want the counter to be the drop spot so I’ve organized that drawer to hold everything I need for mail, thank you notes, etc.

This is my space and so far so good! When mail arrives, I immediately go through it (throw most of the junk stuff immediately in the trash) and put any bills or statements here. I have dedicated one morning a week (Mail Monday) to go through this small pile and take care of it. It’s kept me from creating piles on the counter. This drawer also has what I need to send off a quick note to a friend along with stamps and my return address stamp (sweet gift from my sister).

I also have a couple of notepads that I can use to make our grocery list or jot down things to remember. The letter opener belonged to my dad and I can still see him standing at his island opening mail. Nice to have a little piece of him with these everyday, mundane tasks.
These clear bins have been wonderful for us (small and large). I truly love them. I am impressed with the quality and being able to configure them however you want is a big plus. Mine don’t shift much, but you could use clear door bumpers to hold them in place if you wish.

We have used these same clear containers by the Home Edit in our school supply drawer. This has been a game changer. It still looks this organized minus notecards being missing. This has been wonderful for the kids grabbing what they need and I am happy to report my family is actually putting scissors back in this drawer. Small miracles!

These are the bins we have been using but this set from Amazon is a great price performer. I am thinking about ordering a set to use in our bathroom drawers.

I also love these to divide drawers.
I hope these option help if you have some hot spots in the home that need a little love. I will share our fridge organization next. Now if I could magically transform our closets. They need some serious help right now. In case you missed it, yesterday I shared a few small home updates we have made.
Make it a great day, my friend.
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