Oh, boy. Not sure if there is any other way to introduce today’s blog post. I’m serious. So not too long ago, Claire Brody (who I couldn’t adore more) invited me to be a part of a Valentine’s Day Spouse Q & A. And because I love her I immediately said, “Yes!” But I guess what I was really doing was saying yes for my husband and subsequently curling up into a little ball in the corner wondering what he would say about me. There is a straight up honest blog-hop going on today featuring responses from the husbands speaking truths about living with a blogger. Uh-huh. Yep. This ought to be good.
A bit of back story to these responses: Ryan has been on an intense week long business trip in Washington DC. Needless to say he has had a lot on his plate. And in true blogger fashion, this was our text exchange:
Courtney: How did your meeting go?
Ryan: Great. I’m super tired. Such a long day.
Courtney: I bet. Hey, you have some homework. Can I have this back tomorrow? Cool?!
Ryan: Wait. Are you serious?
Courtney: Uh-huh. Love you.
Ryan: I am only doing this if you don’t edit. At all.
Courtney: Whatever. That’s fine. Thanks, babe. (thinking. . . oh, crap!)
And here it is. The unedited version of what Ryan has to say about life with a blogger. Ok. One edit. I deleted a saucy comment. My parents read my blog. And apparently he is a man of few words (or just really busy).
Truths About Life With a Blogger
How involved are you with Courtney’s blog?
R: I’m an intern in the photography dept. (I’m assuming it’s an internship, as I’ve received no compensation).
C: Truth. He does take most of my fashion photos and he is always so nice about it. Even when I am super cranky. He’s a great intern.
How often do you read the blog? Are you an avid reader or do you see enough at home?
Every day, though some days it may be more of a browse.
How much time does Courtney spend on her blog? What are her hours like?
I’d say about 5 hours per day of actual computer/prep time, and styling, and 19 hours/ day of subconscious planning.
Are you the cheap manual labor or is there hired help for that? In other words, does Courtney use you for your handy work?
R: I’m the cheap labor, for sure
C: Cheap labor and he just did this butler’s pantry for us. He’s pretty darn talented. And you can’t beat free.
Describe Courtney’s style.
Traditional with a contemporary edge.
Describe your style.
R: Pre-ATP I had a lazy boy, a desk from Ikea, and zero wall art. What style is that? Seriously though, now that I’ve been exposed to design a bit more, ATP and I have the same aesthetic.
C: On our very first date, he came to pick me up and I complained that our toilet in our apartment was broken. He rolled up his sleeves on his button down and proceeded to fix it. Handy and cute. Total turn on.
How often does your home change?
Small changes daily-weekly, larger changes quarterly.
How many different sofas have you had since marrying Courtney?
Only 3. Still have 2.
How often do you offer decorating advice? Does she consider your opinion?
I’ll only speak up if something is really egregious to me, so if I say something, she’ll usually go into a spiral of self-doubt.
What’s your favorite room in the house? Why?
Our living room. It’s what I picture when I think about our home. It’s beautiful and cozy, and filled with great memories.
What does it really look like behind the camera?
ATP is a bit OCD, but as with any home, things can get a bit messy and chaotic. When the mess reaches critical mass though…look out.
What is a project that you hate but have never voiced (or maybe you have)?
Our first tile project was terrible. So much work for such a little space! It was our children’s bathroom, and it took about 500 hours, give or take.
see more of our children’s bathroom makeover
Do you know of Courtney’s blogger friends? If so, who’s your favorite?
Yes! How could I possibly pick a favorite when they’re all so incredible?? 😉
What’s your favorite aspect of Courtney being a blogger? Least favorite?
It has been a really great outlet for her creativity. Least favorite: time commitment.
What are your household chores?
We are pretty good about sharing duties all around, but she generally cooks, while I clean up afterwards.
What’s something about Courtney that her readers might not know (but she would be okay with you sharing)?
R: She was Valedictorian of her high school (and she snores like a wild animal).
C: Really with the snoring? Listen, Ryan sleeps so soundly he would never even hear me even if I did snore. And this seems like a good time to tell the baby monitor story. When our first born, Riley, was an infant, I had gotten up a couple of times in the middle of the night and heard her crying again. I kicked Ryan and asked him to please go comfort her.
R: Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Ok. (totally groggy)
He proceeded to pick up the baby monitor next to the bed (from which you could hear her crying) and walked around our master bedroom repeating, “Shhhhh. Shhhhh. Shhhhh. It’s ok.” into the monitor. Over and over.
C: Ryan. She’s down the hall. In her room. Not in that box.
So you see what I mean. Snoring schmouring. He wouldn’t know.
What does Courtney REALLY want for Valentine’s Day, and what are you getting her?
What a sweetheart he is! But I need to know do you really snore?
He is a good guy. And is that really important? I mean there are so many other things we could chat about. 😉
Oh the baby monitor story made me laugh!! What a sweet guy and so supportive! It’s amazing how many hubbies said the time we spend on our blogs is the thing they least like – guess it comes with the territory! Great answers 🙂 xxx
And I think I spend way more than time than he said but do most of it when he is at work! I think we we are all cut from the same mold, right?! The passion makes it seem like just a hobby. And seriously. . . the monitor story is one for the history books. So fun doing this with you all.
These made our day!! Haha thanks for sharing =) Have a great Valentine’s Day… breakfast in bed sounds ah-mazing. =)
So adorable…I laughed out loud at your exchange in the beginning 🙂 Also, my hubby probably doesn’t know what the word “egregious” means—BRAVO!
Oh man, you two are hilariously adorable. Ryan should consider taking his photography internship to the next level…. I’ve always thought your fashion shoots were done by a professional!!! Happy Valentine’s, you two!
He actually won an award in college for his photography…
he wouldn’t brag about that, but I can as his mother. 🙂
A guy that will fix your toilet on your first date ? What a keeper! 🙂 Loved reading this, Courtney. You guys are sweet!
I was dying over the “snores like a will animal” and “19 hours/ day of subconscious planning” comments! I think I never stop thinking about my blog. It’s always on my mind and I’m not sure if it’s good or bad.
He is talented! That pantry is a dream
You have one sweet man!
OKay you guys are BEYOND adorable!!!! Almost spit my coffee out over the monitor story!!! LOL!
Girl! It was even funny at the time when I was desperate for sleep. The guy is useless when over-tired. But I love him dearly. Let’s do a double date soon, mmmmkay!?
Um that killed me. The snoring?!! I am surprised my husband did not say something like that!
So sweet of him to mention that, right?! I mean not that it is true or anything! xo
SO cute C! And I know Ryan wanted to say that I am his favorite! 😉
Of course you are!!!! He gets so shy about these things 😉 LOL. Love you!
You guys are the sweetest! I was cracking up at the baby monitor story! So fun to see the blog from his side of things!
~Abby =)
It was seriously so funny. And yet so tragic at the same time. Such fun reading all of these today. Hope you both have a wonderful weekend xo
Happy Valentines Day to you and your sweet family, absolutely love this darling post ❤️
Thanks so much friend. So blessed to have known you all of these years. Love you.
ok the valentine’s answer- you guys are truly lucky!!! and i snore like you, too…. for what it’s worth. it’s just part of the beauty sleep routine. the monitor story is HILARIOUS. you guys are one talented and meant to be couple!
This is so cute – and he is so supportive of your blog! That baby monitor story is priceless x
I loved this post! I think it speaks to your trust and love for one another to let him respond unedited. This is why I read your blog. I love your willingness to be real and vulnerable sometimes. I hope you have an awesome Valentines with your amazing hubby!
That baby monitor story kills me! Yeah hush about the snoring 🙂
Popped here from Emily Clark. Love your answers and your style aesthetic. For the record, even with video evidence, I refuse to believe that I snore 🙂
Heartwarming way to start the St. Valentine’s Day weekend. Thank you, you’re wonderful kids!!!
(I’m an old neighbor of Ryan’s in Ridgway…) (And seriously, old. I graduated with Ryan’s Aunt Mary Aiello!) 😉
LOVE this! So sweet. You guys are hot. 🙂
Aww…he’s a keeper! Love how proud and supportive he is of you! And I was cracking up at the “critical mass” comment – that’s so me too! Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!!
Loved the baby monitor story! This was a ffun post to read.
So sweet!!
This is so cute! I love it!! I am cracking up at the snoring comment! But, the baby monitor story is hilarious too!! XO!
What does ATP stand for? And sorry if I missed an explanation. ????
Oh man now I love Ryan even more!!! Now lets up that trip for you guys to come and stay with asap!!!