It was fun to look back yesterday at the projects and tips 2015 brought. But today I am switching gears. Occasionally, I like to dig a little deeper and share more of my personal life. I feel like every time I do, there is someone that can relate. Just knowing that one person connects with something makes it so worth it. And perhaps you missed one of these along the way. So here my musings from 2015.
Getting Personal
A Phone Call from the Principal
This post deals with the familiar notion that the other shoe is about to drop. That fear we all live with each day. But in reality, perhaps it truly isn’t and all we need to do is change our expectations. Easier said than done but it’s a process worth starting.
10 Naked Truths about the Blogger Behind the Blog
This is me breaking it down. I don’t have a perfect house, I have a laundry issue and there is so much more. Care to read about my craziness? And a sweet reader pointed out that the title is a little unfortunate. Sounds like I am talking about my behind. Whoops. Rest assured, I am not. At all.
When my son turned 7, I took some time to write him this post. I wanted him to know how much I have learned from him. Children teach us far more than we can ever teach them and I wanted to put down into writing some of those lessons.
I dig traditions. I think they give children (and adults) a strong sense of where they come from and something to count on. These are some of our most important.
Recently wrote about giving ourselves some grace if we are not jumping into life with two feet. Sometimes a slower pace and the extra coffee is really what we need.
More Musings
Summer Reflections | How We Treat Each Other
Birthday Wish | Letter to a Daughter
In the past, I have written about grief. Grief was something I had never truly experienced until a few years back and I know that as we all go through this journey, grief affects each and every one of us. And it affects each and every one of us differently. I still have friends and readers who say they came across one of these and it has helped them. Perhaps you can relate to one of these posts.
Our Missing Piece | Grief One Year Later
Setting Sail | A Look at Grief Two Years Later
Thank you for always being so supportive of sharing my heart around here. Enjoy your day.
Your personal musings are definitely some of my favorites! Thanks for being real with us. Even though I don’t know you personally, I feel like I do since I can relate to a lot of what you share. Keep up the great work in 2016, Courtney!
Also- loved your project recap yesterday. Your over-the-door shoe hanger that corrals misc items was the very first project of yours I copied. It’s still going strong at my house too! Happy Weekend!!
Of course we all enjoy blogs with inspiring ideas and pretty pictures, but you have a way of sharing from your heart that is so beautiful Courtney. Real life isn’t all sunshine and roses and we can all relate to each other’s personal experiences. Thank you so much for sharing pieces of your heart!