Good morning. How is Monday treating you so far? What a weekend. Did yours fly by as quickly as ours did? So much to chat about so let’s get started with our Monday Morning Wrap-Up.
We kicked Saturday off with the Walk to End Alzheimer’s at the Great Park in Irvine. This was our second year walking and it was truly a beautiful morning. Our team, Linda’s Lions, raised over $4,000. Thank you to everyone who supported us either though donations or prayers. This man is my rock. Alzheimer’s disease is an emotional roller coaster and I would fall apart without his support and understanding. Also a big shout out to Emily who tirelessly plans and puts on this fantastic event.
For those of you who aren’t aware of the flowers and their significance, each color represents something different. Purple signifies someone who was lost to this disease whereas the yellow represents caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. The blue flower is carried by anyone living with the disease and the white flower is hope. The hope is that one day someone will be able to raise a white flower in the air as the very first survivor. That is why we raise funds for research. I want nothing more than for my children to be at one of these ceremonies and witness a white flower in the sky.
It is impossible for me not to weep during the ceremony. While I feel so comforted being surrounded by people who truly understand, I have moments where I still can’t believe we are here. How can this be happening to my mom. I hate it so much.
I wish I could bottle the amount of love in this photo. All of these wonderful people showed up to walk with us. To support us and to support the cause.
*If you are someone you know could benefit from our journey or resources I have provided, you can point them here.
I will be doing an entire post on this, but wanted to share how I am using Rub ‘n Buff to transform this chandelier. Do you remember my Pay This Not That post? Well I ended up ordering the chandelier and love it. However, it’s a bit too bronze for our master bedroom. With $5 and about 20 minutes of time it’s exactly the color we wanted. You can see the bottom rod is the original color. This stuff is awesome. You simply use your finger and rub it on. It dries in a couple of minutes. I picked mine up from Michaels. You’ll definitely only need one tube and will only use a third of it.
Here is a better look. I am so excited with how it’s turned out. I also plan to add shades. Once we remove our ceiling fan and hang the light I will be sure to post about it.
Did you catch my Instastories? It was a comedy show. I had a brilliant idea to include a coconut in an upcoming post but had no idea how difficult they are to open. We had tool after tool and even pounded it on cement outside. Stay tuned to see the result of this monumental effort. Let’s just say I am lucky this man puts up with my crazy ideas.
After lunch on Sunday we headed to Subzero Ice Cream. Have you been? It was our first time and I have to say it was pretty awesome. The kids loved it. If you have one in your area and haven’t checked it out it’s worth a visit.
This sweet boy suggested we go to Sub Zero because back in the day Grammy would walk by this spot and want ice cream. Grammy never met a dessert she didn’t like.
In style news, I lived in these this weekend. As you know I don’t wear a ton of flats so when I do it’s because I love them. These loafers are comfy and look great with almost anything.
Lastly, but most importantly, Happy Birthday to my amazing dad. He would have been 80 years old yesterday. I would have given anything to host a birthday dinner for him at our house. I kept thinking how he was walking with us on Saturday. This has been a really trying 6 months without him. Love and miss you, dad. Hope you had an amazing celebration in heaven.
Let’s do this, Monday. Wishing you a wonderful start to the week.
First let me say, your kitchen is fabulous!
Second, my thoughts are with you as you walk this journey with your mom. I cannot imagine how hard it is. Happy Birthday to your dad in heaven who I am sure is smiling down on your and hugging you as you take care of your mom.
Have a wonderufl week.
I hope some year I can walk with you on this very special day!
It is so hard to believe your father would have been 80 – he thought and acted much younger and had a beautiful sou!
Grandma Sue In PA
Continue to pray for you and the family Courtney. Happy Birthday to your sweet dad in Heaven. I want to thank you for sharing so openly. It has allowed me to have some hard conversations with my dad now that we are in the midst of this. Had a rough weekend as my mom fell and gashed her head (5 staples later), but the week is off to a better start. One day at a time.
I believe the Alzheimer’s society uses the ‘forget -me- not’ flowers as their symbol. However, I do not give to these causes(and both of my parents had Alzheimer’s), I just don’t think the majority of the money raised goes to research. I think the top dogs of these organizations are the ones that are benefiting. All of the years that money has been poured into Cancer research and are they any closer to a cure? It’s nice to support a cause, but do we really how much really goes to finding a cure?
That’s an interesting thought. The Alzheimer’s Association website publishes their allocation of donations online and it appears that 77% goes to care, support, research, awareness and advocacy. Personally, I saw a direct impact from our donations. My mom had a fantastic social worker at the Alzheimer’s Association who helped direct us to day programs (and then in-home care) specifically suited for her stage and she also lead a support group for early onset individuals. It was our lifeline when she got diagnosed.
What a weekend! It sounds emotionally draining but filled with love. My mom passed from Alzheimer’s in 2011 but we did the walk with her, and then without, for several years. It is so important to be with people who understand the disease. Your dad would be so proud of you. Have a great week-
Prayers for peace and comfort. What a lovely effort from you and your family. A sweet happy birthday present to your dad on behalf of your mom. Still miss seeing them at St. Tim’s and around town. Blessings, Nancy xo