Can anyone relate to major messes under their sinks? Without question, it’s a major area of weakness over here. In fact, it’s an issue with both our bathrooms and the kitchen. But today I am tackling the kitchen sink and it was all done in 10-15 minutes. My kids and I were chatting while I worked on it and they couldn’t believe it was done. I hope this inspires you to make a quick change where you have noticed the most clutter.

With the kids home non-stop our kitchen never looks this clean. And if it does, it lasts for maybe ten minutes. But that’s ok because truth be told, I love having them home right now (despite the emotional roller coaster).

Isn’t it funny how when you organize a space it’s a joy to look at it. At least for me. Opening this cabinet now feels so different. Let’s take a look at how things were before the 15 minute clean-up.

The mess is in the eye of the beholder. So while this may not look messy to some, it’s totally inefficient and a lot of moving things around happens in oder to grab one thing. The big issue with our setup is that the garbage disposal is so large and takes up so much space. I made the mistake of keeping our extra supply of sponges in that plastic box. Well to access it, I had to take all of that out. Just silly. The vinegar bottle is huge and takes up too much real estate in here so it’s off to the pantry.

The first thing I did was unload all of it. You’ll see some things in still in there. Those are just extras to have on hand or things we use once in a blue moon. They can stay back there without a problem. It’s the everyday supplies that need to be easily accessible. Plus, this gave me a chance to pitch things we no longer use and streamline those that we do.

My secret weapon for this space are these clear drawers. I am so happy with them. I like the quality and how they function. I plan to order more for under my daughter’s sink, too. Having drawers is just a smart use of the space. Just be sure to measure so you know they will fit. The nice thing is that they stack beautifully.

So much better!!! These made a huge difference under here. I can’t believe how much more organized it feels just with these drawers. I ordered a set of the 4″ and a set of the 6″ drawers. It was exactly what I needed to make the most of the space to the right of that darn disposal. And now we can access or dishwasher pods and magic erasers so easily. By the way, magic erasers are just that. Magic. I use these knock off ones.

I also really like that I can easily see what we need to replace. I did use my white chalk pen to label the drawers and cleaner but certainly not necessary since you can see through them. The pen was in the drawer right above so I went for it. These are the glass bottles I like to use.


We keep the towels that we use on the countertops down here and now they aren’t just thrown in a pile covering up other things we need.
To keep the drawers from sliding around you can use this to keep them in place. I use quake hold for everything! It’s a soft putty that keeps picture frames and other items in place. It won’t damage anything. Every home owner needs it.

We use a mixture of vinegar and water 90% of the time and having it labeled is a huge help. I have another clear bottle with a mixture of essential oils and have accidentally grabbed that one on occasion. Oops.
So there you have it. Nothing too life shattering, but a project you can tackle in a very short amount of time. I’m so happy I finally addressed this space. Now onto the bathrooms.
Looking for more organization tips?
- How we organize our kitchen cabinets
- Repurposing for distance learning
- Organized gift wrap
- Linen Closet Organization
Have a great day, my friends.
It looks good. I love, love tidy spaces.
Thank you. Me, too. It’s the little things like that. Have a wonderful day.
You definitely stream-lined! It looks great. I was trying to think of ways we could use those drawers under our sink, but I don’t think those would help under my kitchen sink… but maybe under the bathroom sink instead. Thinking…
Thank you. I am definitely using them under my daughter’s sink. I’ll keep you posted. Have the best day.
What really stands out for me is the up close image of your floors! Would you mind sharing your flooring type and color? We’re looking to update ours and this is exactly the look I was going for… light with a variation of colors.
How nice it looks all sorted and organizes. Great storage containers. What I admired straight away though was the beautiful writing which I thought must be a label, but you hand wrote them? Such pretty writing!
I love seeing this kind of stuff! How do you clean your disposal? I keep a toilet brush solely for the garbage disposal, and that seems to be the best method…but always looking for extra tips to keep it as fresh as possible.
It looks like you give up answering your readers after a while but I’ll give it a shot. 🙂
Have you had any issues with your dishwasher pods not being stored in an airtight container? Do they stick together?
I’ve switched to powder now but no, they never stuck together. Hope that helps.